Tell me where you rode today...

It's funny how these pictures look so much brighter than it was before we started riding.


Unfortunately, pictures during the ride would have meant taking my gloves off - which wasn't happening... Part of me wants touch-screen compatible winter riding gloves... except I already have so many other winter gloves...

Sketchy AF in the snow... at least pretty sure my next snow ride will be back on flat pedals...
Unfortunately, pictures during the ride would have meant taking my gloves off - which wasn't happening... Part of me wants touch-screen compatible winter riding gloves... except I already have so many other winter gloves...

plus the 'touch screen compatibility' is mostly a load of BS, it 'works' but not well, still end up taking the gloves off to do anything with the phone.
This morning was a bit of a shit-show as when I went to leave for the ride, the van wouldn't start. I had noticed a CEL the last couple of times I drove it... and now I'm guessing it was a low-voltage fault (modern ECUs don't like low voltage...). "I'll check it when I get back..." Yeah... nah. Anyway, my riding buddy Tom came to pick me up and we rode anyway.


Conditions were near perfect. We even cut fresh tracks on a couple of trail sections, which surprised us. Fortunately, what looks like a fox made the trail easy to follow in the snow.

Of course, there were a few frozen creek crossings...

And for some reason, this bridge is closed...

After the ride, we went to the local Auto Zone, I bought a new battery (I think it's original from 2017) and after installation, the van started fine and the CEL went away.
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