Take Action Against Corzine Via IMBA!

My $.02...

Not to be the most hated person on this site (next to that Vandeman guy) :scared: , or to defend a politician 😛uke: , but it seems our state is in a fair bit of financial trouble. If we want our parks to stay open, then we need to come up with a way to pay for it. That means higher taxes, or cuts in other programs. I haven't looked through his budget, or even read much of the details surrounding the potential closures, so maybe the closures are unnecessary and just saying don't close them is okay. But assuming that the budget problems are real, then maybe as a community we should be a bit more proactive and come up with some solutions? :getsome: Enough ranting. 🙂
Not to be the most hated person on this site (next to that Vandeman guy) :scared: , or to defend a politician 😛uke: , but it seems our state is in a fair bit of financial trouble. If we want our parks to stay open, then we need to come up with a way to pay for it. That means higher taxes, or cuts in other programs. I haven't looked through his budget, or even read much of the details surrounding the potential closures, so maybe the closures are unnecessary and just saying don't close them is okay. But assuming that the budget problems are real, then maybe as a community we should be a bit more proactive and come up with some solutions? :getsome: Enough ranting. 🙂

I second the motion. This is the greatest state in the whole freakin union!! Don't like it then please leave.......
My 2 cents

Believe me when I say "the state has more than enough money". I work at Rutgers and it is amazing that when they really need something or the right person with a lot of power needs money for one of their initiatives "it magically appears".

We all have to circumvent the state government and get the money directly from the federal government. Kind of like how JORBA gets grants for it's trail work. The money is there, it just doesn't make it to the parks. We are in some deep s--t but closing down a few parks is like firing the front desk lady of a major corporation to reduce overhead. It is a token cut to make a political statement.

Disclaimer: I'm not a political or financial analyst, this is just my 2 cent rant. I wouldn't still be living in NJ if I didn't like it here.

Edit: Sorry, a bit off topic from the original post. Sent my message in. Thank you.
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Speaking of Rutgers, they've been slaughtered by state cuts for several years now that make these park closings look like nothing. Really, if you want to be outraged by anything it's the fact that the University is forced to cut classes and professors while continuing to put a nearly $100 million extension on the football stadium. Parks are great for public enjoyment, but at this stage Rutgers football is more important than education?
For all to be better informed....

Parks budget

State budget "in brief" - ask and yee shall receive

I will keep my comments to those that ask whilst on the trail, as my adrenaline peaks when discussing the state of the state - I keep sensoring myself, edit edit edit. lets just say operating a business here is a challenge on many levels. Wait until the paid family leave act goes into action. Close the parks, pay people to get knocked up.

Ahhhhh - this is socialism people!!!!!!!!!!!!! paragraph 3 "Something needs to be done—and the problem is just too big for people to solve by themselves. "

We are all too fuckin stupid to handle our own lives apparently. (I appologize for the vulgarity - I was born and raised in downtown Paterson - as I hesitantly hit Submit Reply)

I do love it here - I work my ass off, lose hair on a daily basis and ride the great parks that we have as much as possible!
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I still haven't read anything (it's playoff time. GO RANGERS!!!), but someone pointed out something to me on this that I thought I'd pass along. Sometimes politicians like to propose cutting something that will get people riled up so they can ram something through that would have been 'unpopular' AND seem like they're doing you a favor. Who wants to bet his plan to save the parks is really the solution he wanted in the first place? Or maybe he just should've been wearing his seatbelt...
I still haven't read anything (it's playoff time. GO RANGERS!!!), but someone pointed out something to me on this that I thought I'd pass along. Sometimes politicians like to propose cutting something that will get people riled up so they can ram something through that would have been 'unpopular' AND seem like they're doing you a favor. Who wants to bet his plan to save the parks is really the solution he wanted in the first place? Or maybe he just should've been wearing his seatbelt...

i agree with you there, corzine is trying the old bait n' switch trick. they distract us at the front door while their accomplice cleans our house out from the back door.
while i'm sure that for now our fav riding spots will be available to us we can't sit on our asses and let this go on without being heard. we all have a voice and it can be used effectively at election time. send a message and get rid of incumbent polititians.
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