Pre-race food suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Team MTBNJ Halter's
Yes, I know there's a billion places to look on the interwebs for this, but curious to see what works for all you. Beside Pearl's Eggo and syrup plan, which oddly seemed to work pretty well for him.

So pre-SSAP dinner and breakfast, thoughts? I had good results with a pasta/meat sauce dinner before Mooch, but I also had ok results barfing up bad sushi the morning before SSAP last year. So maybe I'm not such the good control subject.
Eat whatever you normally eat for breakfast.

For a longer ride at (kinda) race pace, I think my normal work day intake (usually cereal with fruit, a bagel or muffin, or such) isn't going to be quite enough for the effort. I'm bringing more better gels and such this year, as well as something besides water to drink. Trying to maximize my results this time.
Egg sammie FTW.

And if you're going to carbo load, start yesterday and taper off to normal intake by Saturday.
Oatmeal is a solid choice. Multigrain toast with PB&J works well too.

Recommend not drinking coffee within 2 hours of race start time.
oatmeal 2 hours before the race, coffee. don't eat too close to the race start time because you may bonk (hypoglycemic feeling) mid race.

1/2 hr before race I usually pop a GU and use those as the race(or long ride) goes on but I usually rely on my drank for the added benefits

I feel amino acids are key for these longer races/rides( in my drank of choice)
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I read in this board years ago about someone eating a donut or two for breakfast. They crushed it- top 3 in a competitive class.

Micro nutrient load then carb it up the morning of race.

Most overlooked vitamin on the planet for endurance athletes:

Magnesium "Chloride". I've only found it in the VS and the only company I know making it in pill form is Alta.

On the planet is a stretch, I know
I eat the exact same stuff i always eat....Race day, usually 1/2 cup of oatmeal with some banana, peanut butter and a little cinnamon. Then some coffee.

I dont like racing when my stomach is too full and a food hangover from the night before doesnt work well for me a normal meal...whatever that might be.
I've been carb loading since 1988.
Like, daily?

With 25-30 SS miles, don't try anything new.....or pack some TP. Just say'n.
Eww. Good thought tho.

I read in this board years ago about someone eating a donut or two for breakfast. They crushed it- top 3 in a competitive class.

Micro nutrient load then carb it up the morning of race.

Most overlooked vitamin on the planet for endurance athletes:

Magnesium "Chloride". I've only found it in the VS and the only company I know making it in pill form is Alta.
Micro nutrient? Ok, internet says vitamins and minerals. Got it.
I'll look into the mag thing, but probably not before this weekend. Thanks.

Currently leaning towards the bagel or toast with PB&J and a banana or such. Coffee makes me pee too much but I do like the caffeine. Maybe a small cup.
Pasta and chicken the night before then?
dave- the amount of carbs is important. it comes down to a science of how much glycogen you store in your leg muscles.
Pre-morning ride, I always eat a bowl of Rice Chex drowned in 2% . I'd use whole, but only 2 and 0 usually in the house. I try to scarf them down before they get soggy. Usually can't. That is all.
I eat the exact same stuff i always eat....Race day, usually 1/2 cup of oatmeal with some banana, peanut butter and a little cinnamon. Then some coffee.

I dont like racing when my stomach is too full and a food hangover from the night before doesnt work well for me a normal meal...whatever that might be.

I second this...i.don't change my food too regularly, and def don't change to so.ething new day of race. Go with whatever your body used to...time for experimentation is during training.or.practice.

That being.said, for morning.of long ride or race, I eat old fashioned rolled oats w brown sugar, almond milk, banana, blueberries, raisins
and crushed walnuts...sometimes some molasses also.
I second this...i.don't change my food too regularly, and def don't change to so.ething new day of race. Go with whatever your body used to...time for experimentation is during training.or.practice.

That being.said, for morning.of long ride or race, I eat old fashioned rolled oats w brown sugar, almond milk, banana, blueberries, raisins
and crushed walnuts...sometimes some molasses also.

Chuck Norris eats this... Close thread!!!
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