Perrineville Lake Park Conditions

what is it like? double track? singletrack? beginner? Mrs just got a nice bike!
Trails are beginner friendly, however area circled in red have the hardest climbing, but also funnest downhills.

Parking at 95 Pine Hill Rd Millstone township you can ride Mine Hill, Midway and Agress as an out and back. This gives you 10 miles. If you want more, you can ride Rocky Brook & Quail run across Agress rd. Those are older trails that are meh. The plan is to start working those in the fall.
How's it lookin today? Plan to head there after work. There were a couple of puddles at Clayton yesterday, but it was pretty good overall. I haven't ridden Perrineville regularly to compare, but I imagine the conditions are typically similar?
How's it lookin today? Plan to head there after work. There were a couple of puddles at Clayton yesterday, but it was pretty good overall. I haven't ridden Perrineville regularly to compare, but I imagine the conditions are typically similar?
It's good.
Went today and checked it out. Kind of had a Six Mile meets Pine Hill Park vibe for me. I like that 😁. And speaking of Pine Hill, the 95 Pinehill address, I think Pinehill needs to be one word not two. At least the waze seems to think so. I will be back, nice job to the folks that make these thing happen. Kudos.
It appears that this place is only 16 minutes from Clayton.
Sounds like a good place to spend a weekend riding and camping
Anyone know of a good campsite near by?? Timberland Lake Campground any good??
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Turkey Swamp isn't too far. I never camped there so I don't know firsthand but you could give it a shot
It's about a good hour +20 minutes from south jersey, which isn't that bad. Might be a bit more from the shore area. The drive might offset for how much they what for camping and getting a site.
How is this place after it rains? Thinking of tomorrow morning but wouldn’t want to cause damage there on my first ride.
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