Wasn’t sure where to put this. While I very much need this right now, I’m not sure I’ll be able to ride this weekend.

My mom was hit by a car crossing the street yesterday and had been taken to Kings County hospital. I found out a few minutes after posting a photo of me stuck on route 95 in Maryland with an ironic (to the traffic situation) song on the radio. I came to find out later that the highway had been shut down due in an horrific accident and the subsequent medi-vac. We were on the way back from visiting one of my sons at school at the time.

W/out going into all the details, the resulting trauma coupled with her age and the medications she was on proved to be too much.

I got the call from my father that I had been racing against for hours on the fucking Gowanus Expressway.

My youngest knows but my twins at college do not. I’m holding off telling them and the rest of the family for a couple more hours until the ME and the police give me an idea when they might release the body so I can help make the arrangements.

I’m very fearful for my twins right now. They’re both having various issues at school lost in their own ways. The one with ADHD serious enough for medication (the other has it too but not enough to require medication) we had to enter into a short term crisis program over winter break and just started the counseling process back at school. His first real post intake session was set for Tuesday. But I may have to bring him back Tuesday for the funeral if the ME let’s the body go early enough (if at all) tomorrow. Neither does well with routine interruption and this certainly qualifies.

I’ll be off line for a few days.
Don't know you personally or maybe I do but this is terrible news to hear about from anyone.

Hoping you and your family find the strength to get through this difficult time.
What's in the shakes you can't make at home with fresh ingredients? I've been drinking fruit and veggie smoothies with Almond milk for a few months

It took a while but here you go.

Of course I’m looking at this now because the last week or so was horrendously gluttonous. I’m gonna do just these shakes for the next two days to hopefully break the crap food streak and help me get back to eating good foods that have a purpose and not total trash.
Where/ when are the rides this week
I am not sure of the plan or the weather but I am hoping to get a ride in Sunday morning. Would love to get at least 10 miles but no idea what my schedule will allow or weather for that fact, going to be a wet week after today when it warms up and we get some rain.
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