Yeah... I remember that conversion I had with you and I am optimistic
It sucks when you build up your fitness thru out the year and have it go down the drain because of the snow. Then you have to work it back up.
I was in better shape during the winter than now
Is it worth a listen what do they discuss
Well there’s some rambling, some struggling to remember all the sponsors. Then it generally turns to book discussions, the goings on on the board, upcoming events or team trips. Occasionally there are guests (those are the best episodes) but Inevitably it always turns to cross talk.

But every now and again there’s an insight or comment that would spur deeper thought.

I suppose I do. :)
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Love to get your feed back on bar mitts they seem so odd
Some hate it but I love it.
It basically feels like you have your hands in your jacket pocket. Unless its like 10 outside, you can still wear your normal riding gloves.
Down fall is that if you crash and can't get your hands out of those mitts.... ouch

What's your feeling on bd fatty
Cant say since I have never owned a fatty. But riding in the snow, you aint gonna break any PR's so... why not?
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