Not good use of 6 Mile

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this may be true for the real victims, those left behind.


If you have ever been to a funeral for someone that has taken their life you'll know what I mean. Watching a parent who is about to bury a child agonize with guilt, or a child who is about to bury a parent struggle with the mind boggling amount of questions as to why.

My compassion goes out to the ones who now have to deal with the burden of being "that parent" or "that kid".

If you have ever been to a funeral for someone that has taken their life you'll know what I mean. Watching a parent who is about to bury a child agonize with guilt, or a child who is about to bury a parent struggle with the mind boggling amount of questions as to why.

My compassion goes out to the ones who now have to deal with the burden of being "that parent" or "that kid".

I would have to agree 1000% with Walter on this.
One day while riding alone in Allamuchy I came across about 20 turkey vultures gathering about 100 ft off the trail. Naturally repulsed by these creatures, I got out of there quickly.

However, about a minute later I got to thinking, "what can attract all those vultures". I went back an investigated, steeling myself for something bad. Luckily it was only a dead deer. It would have really bothered me if I did discover someone in there.

In related news: Woman Hiker Found Dead. This poor woman was snowshoeing in Rockland Lake State Park.

That's Hook MTN. I'm scared of falling to my doom there in the best of conditions, let alone snow and ice.

You know, I don't know if this makes me a bad person or not, but the first thing that would enter my mind if I came upon a body like that would be whether or not I should report it or let someone else do it. I mean, it would have just killed my ride to have to get all caught up in the police stuff and all that. And no sense in two deaths, right? And besides, I'd have to go all .. the ... way ... baaaaaaaack to my car and get my phone and in order to dial my phone, I'd have to take off my gloves and, you know, it's kind of cold right now. It's all just a level of effort I'm just not comfortable with .... so .... yeahhhhhhh .... I'm pretty sure I'd just pass by and pretend not to notice. He'll be just as dead when the next person comes along.

I'm pretty sure I'm not a good person.

I'm pretty sure your RIGHT.... about the not being a good person thing. This isn't just saying it and putting your foot in your mouth this is typing it out, so no offense but what was just said can't be unsaid. Speaking from a person who worked with someone who found life so desperate and unfixable he decided to jump off the Driscoll Bridge. I went to that funeral and watched his wife and two kids suffer. Next time keep this type of comment to yourself...
I'm pretty sure your RIGHT.... about the not being a good person thing. This isn't just saying it and putting your foot in your mouth this is typing it out, so no offense but what was just said can't be unsaid. Speaking from a person who worked with someone who found life so desperate and unfixable he decided to jump off the Driscoll Bridge. I went to that funeral and watched his wife and two kids suffer. Next time keep this type of comment to yourself...

there really wasn't any good reason to dig this up from the 9th.
Did this actually happen where that arrow is? Sad. If something like this happened in the spring it's very likely one of us would have found him. Creepy.

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