New, older (not elderly) rider in South Jersey


New Member
I'm new to but have ridden many times in places like Clayton Park,Wharton Forest, Delaware & Raritan Canals, and Wissahickon in Philly. I'm an older guy (46). I used to bike for fun mainly in Philly back in the day. But, my real fitness activity is/was playing basketball. At 46 yrs old, I'm no longer "above the rim" and my knees, ankles, rotator cuff, and fingers are not what they used to be. I really truly like my time on the trails over the past 2 summers and have found it to be a great aerobic workout, but without the impact stresses put on my joints that jumping around on the B-ball court does.
I'm glad I found mountain biking and think I finally found my transition fitness sport now that my best days on the B-ball courts are behind me. I was not looking forward to playing golf.......boring!!!
My wife and I started biking last year when we met. We've since married and now she's expecting, so I lost my trail buddy! She was game for everything too! Anyway, I'm looking to connect with some guys (folks) around my own age (sensibilities) that I can hit the trails with. I can travel and want to find some challenging (not insane) trails in the South Jersey / Philly surrounding area. I'm getting my gear together now and plan on getting a new Motobecane Titanium Fly Team 29er when BikesDirect re-stocks in September. I got my wife a 2011 Motobecane Fantom Pro 29er this spring. She loves it, It's a very nice bike for the money. Too bad she only has until about Labor Day left to enjoy it (1st trimester ends).
Btw, don't get me wrong, I've nothing against biking with younger guys, but if bikng is anything like competitive pick-up B-ball, I'm no spring chicken & don't want to try to play above my level. I can hang though, so I'm willing to try new things at least once.
40 something isn't old in the MTB community. I did a couple of races last year and the two biggest age groups were mid 30's and mid 40s.

I also know of a few 50 plusers that will run rings around some of the younger dudes.

Just have fun and don't worry about your age. Once you get your biking legs you will feel like your in 30's! Just keep riding.
40 something isn't old in the MTB community. I did a couple of races last year and the two biggest age groups were mid 30's and mid 40s.

I also know of a few 50 plusers that will run rings around some of the younger dudes.

Just have fun and don't worry about your age. Once you get your biking legs you will feel like your in 30's! Just keep riding.

Thanks for the well wishes Ride On! To hear there's many 30 and 40 somethings riding is very encouraging. I'm looking forward to transitioning to more biking. Right now, I'm about 65% B-ball, 35% biking. After I get my gear in place including a new bike, I hope to flip those number and possibly add even more biking to the mix. Thanks again!
I just turned 40 and everyone I ride with is younger then me. I have found almost everyone is very supportive. It's not like the road where they drop you if you can't keep up. If you do fall behind most of the time the group is waiting at the next spot they can stop or trail intersection. Have fun and don't worry about your age.
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Nice intro.
46 is old! I should know as I am the same age. But don't worry your boxer shorts cause there is still fun to be had and fitness to gain. In fact there are really old guys here like Dave Klapp who actually managed to get faster this year so that is proof.;)
Welcome aboard!
Damn, having a kid a better stay in shape. When jr. is high school you'll be like 80 or something.

Don't sweat the age on the bike, the young kids talk a lot of sass but us old guys get it done.

Hey we got an Odiggy and a Pooriggy now. Wait maybe you are actually a triplet Igster!
Welcome!!! Like it's been said already age is not important, we are all yutes when riding. I am 47 and rode with a yuteful 74 year old at one of the Allaire beginner rides, now there was some inspiration!! :D Next time you are planning to ride Wharton send me a pm.
Welcome!!! Like it's been said already age is not important, we are all yutes when riding. I am 47 and rode with a yuteful 74 year old at one of the Allaire beginner rides, now there was some inspiration!! :D Next time you are planning to ride Wharton send me a pm.

Thanks and will do!
Damn, having a kid a better stay in shape. When jr. is high school you'll be like 80 or something.

Don't sweat the age on the bike, the young kids talk a lot of sass but us old guys get it done.


Thanks everyone fo all of the welcomes!!

You're right Pooriggy, I'm going to have to maintain my youth so I can teach the little one how to make a proper hook shot! Isn't 80 the new 79?:D
... I'm an older guy (46). I used to bike for fun mainly in Philly back in the day...

"Older guy"? not to me. 58 here. After riding motocrossers back in the 70's, I got back into off road cycling in 2005 -- this time on something without a motor where there's lots of legal riding areas and lots of peeps to ride with. I don't ride hammerfests with the 20 somethings, but other than that I enjoy riding all the area parks and look forward to at least another 10 yrs of mtb. In fact I have a friend who is 73(!) still mtb'ing. I do get down to Allaire now and then -- let me know when and maybe we can hook up for a ride.

Welcome to the club.
Just turned 40 here and new to mtb'ing also so if you ever want to try out Ceres park in Mantua let me know. I'll try not to make you wait for me on the trails too much when I'm sucking wind on the hills. :D

Welcome to the mix! Riding is a state of mind. Sometimes I feel 80.....and sometimes act 14.Truth be told next year is 60 for me and 50 something :) for the wife. We ride Allaire, Hartshorne, Clayton etc. So if you ever see a big green tandem out there be sure to stop and say Hi.
Ed and Pat Gifford
the Snot Rocket tandem
plenty of riders in the 40+ range, hit me up if you wanna ride south jersey/Wiss. Welcome aboard.
40 something isn't old in the MTB community. I did a couple of races last year and the two biggest age groups were mid 30's and mid 40s.

I also know of a few 50 plusers that will run rings around some of the younger dudes.

Just have fun and don't worry about your age. Once you get your biking legs you will feel like your in 30's! Just keep riding.

I know people like that, there very sketchy...welcome aboard!
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