my public statement, cuatro menos uno

Jake that is impressive my friend! I have battled with my weight for many years myself you should be pretty dame proud of yourself. I basically did the opposite of you. I left highschool as a defensive tackle at 265 with sub 5% BF. Until 3 years ago when my daughter was born I was 265 with what seemed like 75% bf. At the moment I find myself stuck at 183 for the past month and really I am trying to drop to about 170ish. Kudos for you on your weight loss man!
why are you a hippie? i don't know, i guess i'm just remembering some of the stories you used to tell while we ate lunch (between dodging bullets and finding frozen bums) in newark.
today was the first day since the race that i woke up and didn't feel like someone had jumped all over my legs with golf cleats. the old ones, with metal spikes. i'd been a serious train wreck for the past few days and while riding today i tried to remember a time when my legs hurt me for so long and i couldn't. i know about when i would have felt like this, and it was when i was lifting real heavy. i mean, going to the gym with the goal of moving 10,000 lbs of weight in one exercise kinda heavy. you're talking approximately 1,200 lbs per set with an average set being about 4 reps and in the 400 lb range. that'll fawk your legs up for sure. not to mention the rest of your joints but hey, that's what power guys do.

anyway, i'm regressing (not digressing) so on to today and my thoughts which, in all honesty, go right back to that steakhead time. i knew when i was sore two days later that i had really pushed myself, and not just pushed myself but broke down some new ceiling that i previously hadn't been able to reach. that's how i felt on my ride today. cathartic. like i had found a new threshold that i'd now be able to push into. i didn't feel like that after KVSP last year. after that race i, well, didn't want to race anymore. ever. that DFL was terrible for me. this race however, completely different and i want to do more races....i just want them all to be at stewart.

so i know what i need to do now and hopefully i'm going to be able to track it. to blog or not to blog is also a question i need to mull. as one of the owners of this here corner of the interweb i have to look at things from a number of angles, one is value-add. i don't know that this is value add anymore. really. for three years now i've been basically doing the same shit, saying the same things. who cares? so for those keeping score at home, this will likely be my last blog thingy and to that end, i'll prolly post in this less. maybe something relevant here and there but that's about it. maybe if i actually start making some real progress there will be something relevant to talk about. be able to inspire folks the way norm has. now? meh, mostly wasting server space.

hi walt!
thanks walt. today i want to drink the 'tussin to make my chest cold go away.
unlike GM and Chrysler...

...i'm entering blog-bankruptcy on an uptick: my fastest 20 miler time ever.

as norm mentioned yesterday, i'm going to be taking a break from the daily blog game. so, until futher notice..

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