mtbNJ Zwift Club

(obviously I'll alsoneed a pc and Internet connection)
save yourself a lot of hassle and get an AppleTV for Zwift. once you have it set up its literally less than 30 seconds to get up and running. I got the newest AppleTV so I could run an ethernet cable right to it and not worry about wifi dropouts (Zwift is sensitive to bad wifi signals).

I have it attached to an old 32" flat screen TV (not a smart TV) via HDMI and its perfect. I watch Youtube or netflix on a separate screen (used to be iPad, now I have a 20" smart TV for this.) I suffered for years with a windows laptop/PC and it was always too slow and always crashing (damn windows updates).

Pat gave a good summary, Zwift is part game, part social, part workout/training. Its all about what you make of it. The virtual group rides are available for all levels. Get all your gear organized and then sign up for the free Zwift trial and let any of us know over in the Indoor Cycling thread or here when youre ready for a test ride we can show you around.
there are more important rides on Wednesdays!!!!
I'm out for tonight. Sorry, won't be able to slow you all down. Hopefully in for future rides though. My weight may vary widely. 😎
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