Mahlon Dickerson


New Member
First time was a bit shacky but cant wait to get to the upper stuff, cascade and up that way. The trails were marked fairly well but the map was hard to follow. I got stuck on the highland trail (nice hiking with bike in tow) yellow trail was good, some nice rocky downhills. Still looking for The Wall, Devils Staircase, and some other fun trails. We hit a few dead ends early on but figured it out. Any loop suggestions? We are going to try Cascade today.
What is the yellow trail with the blcak squares? I was wondering where it went and if it ws worth the ride?

I forget the offical name of the trail marked by the black inside yellow squares. Its awesome though, very fun.
Stone Gate

I followed advice and rode the yellow trail clockwise from the pond. It was great. Especially the yellow with black squares (Stone Gate). Outstanding trail. Probably on of the best I have riden in NJ. It was in good shape and offered just about everything single track can offer. I would recommend that trail to anyone. I cant wait to hit it again. I also walked the TM at The Wall, little orange flags. nice switchbacks all the way down. A lot of work went into it, good job. Is the main wall closing down soon? or when is that going to be active?
Anyhow M.D. overall was a great time. Will ride it anytime. I will avoid going yellow counter clockwise, could be tough.
I followed advice and rode the yellow trail clockwise from the pond. It was great. Especially the yellow with black squares (Stone Gate). Outstanding trail. Probably on of the best I have riden in NJ. It was in good shape and offered just about everything single track can offer. I would recommend that trail to anyone. I cant wait to hit it again. I also walked the TM at The Wall, little orange flags. nice switchbacks all the way down. A lot of work went into it, good job. Is the main wall closing down soon? or when is that going to be active?
Anyhow M.D. overall was a great time. Will ride it anytime. I will avoid going yellow counter clockwise, could be tough.

'Glad you liked Stone is my favorite too. Sparta Brad, Shaggz, and I (in lieu of the great Alaskan biker anrothar) have adopted this trail...btw, Brad and Steve, we gonna' go do some maintenance up there soon?

I think all of us would like to know when The Wall reroute will be done, alas, it is not predictable. However YOU ALL can help get it done sooner-than-later...8 AM this Saturday we're working on it. There is another thread lurkin' about with the details. The more people that show, the more gets done, and most importantly, I won't have to work as hard and end up with a sore back for 2 weeks (like last time).

Running yellow counter-clockwise would be tough. Riding up Devil's Staircase is a slow go with all those baseball sized loose rocks...I've made it as far as the big steps, but haven't cleaned it. No desire to actually 😱
'Glad you liked Stone is my favorite too. Sparta Brad, Shaggz, and I (in lieu of the great Alaskan biker anrothar) have adopted this trail...btw, Brad and Steve, we gonna' go do some maintenance up there soon?😱

Btw.. I too am listed as an Adopt A Trail Sponser of the Yellow Trail.. as well as the primary AAT sponser of the Cascade Trail.
Yep - Strat's handy work can be seen throughout the park. We were fortunate that he was able to take Janet McMillan from the AAT on a walk about through the park, and was able to show her the trails from "our" perspective. She was blown away by Cascade.

Strat has been busy at Stephen's prepping for JORBA Fest. It will be good to have him out there tomorrow.

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