Looking for a Job


Hi all -

My company (and the pharmaceutical industry as a whole) isn't doing well, and I'll be looking for a new job sometime soon. I'm currently Creative Director of an agency, designing campaigns, print pieces, interactive components and web sites. I also have nine years of designing magazines under my belt, as well as plenty of client-side presentations and overseeing marketing efforts and communications. If you know or hear of anything I may be appropriate for, don't hesitate to shoot me a line.

Forward anyone my online portfolio: www.torrento.com. I appreciate any help,

Well it all came down this evening, and I was let go without a single day's severance because the company went under. One kid, another on the way, and a mortgage to keep up with. Not a fun situation to be in.

So if anyone has any info on full-time work that's up my alley, please don't hesitate to let me know. One guy here sent me some leads, and it was warmly appreciated. (Thanks again Jim.)

Also if you need or hear of any design projects, just let me know. Logos, ads, brochures, web sites, ad copy, anything.

Thanks in advance,

Hey man shoot me your resume via email. normZurawski is the username and it's a Yahoo email. I would call it outside at best but you never know.

I know a VP in HR at Schering-Plough. If you want me to, I can send him the link to your portfolio, etc. Dunno' if it'll help, but I do know that he is heavily networked with other HR execs. in the pharma industry.

Let me know.

Thanks so much guys. I emailed both of you. Scary stuff.

I figure I'll still race this weekend at Wayway. I was thinking of dropping back to beginner so I had a shot of winning and then getting up on the podium with a shirt that said "Hire Me!"
best of luck, justin. i was in almost the exact same situation going into the holidays, 8 days before child number 2 was born. it is scary, but i'm sure you'll land on your feet.
I worked as a designer for several years out of school. I know it's a tough business right now. There is a great semi-small, award winning design firm in Princeton called the Howard Design Group. I worked there for about three years when it was just the owner (Carl Stoltenberg) and his wife (Diane Savoy) running the company. We did a lot of financial and educational print work, and I'm sure they're into web design now. I have no idea what their staffing situation is now, but I loved working there and cannot say enough good things about the owners. Google them and if you decide to contact them, mention that you spoke to me. Good Luck. If you can think of any other way a former graphic designer/MTBer could help please do not hesitate to contact me. Dan Suhr.
Hey Justin,

I'm a CD as well and I know, just like you, that this business is tough. I checked out your website and you've done some classy, clean work. I can't help you now, but if we need someone in the future, I'll definitely reach out to you.

Maybe we can share some freelance work too. I get some nice jobs all the time.
Sorry to hear...

I'm an AD at a pharma ad agency, we're a bit touch and go lately. We went from 10-12 hour days to 9-5 day, not complaining at all, but a bit unsettling.

Years ago I got my current job through http://www.updategraphics.com/, they were pretty cool.

Good luck.

I'm an AD at a pharma ad agency, we're a bit touch and go lately. We went from 10-12 hour days to 9-5 day, not complaining at all, but a bit unsettling.

Years ago I got my current job through http://www.updategraphics.com/, they were pretty cool.

Good luck.


Where do you work? I'm a freelance pharma copywriter. got a gig starting at DraftFCB Healthcare on Monday.
Are you between jobs? or do you always freelance?
I'm at echo-tl

Nice, that's a pretty good shop. Yeah, I only freelance. You guys use any ever? Use Justin now and me sometime in the future😉
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