Long distance saddle punishment

Thanks everyone; lots of great insight and a good idea of what I can change.

First, I was wearing gym-style shorts with boxers. I don't even own lycra and haven't heard of chamois before, but that will be an investment for future long rides. Never heard of chamois butter either, however I can pretty much visualize the application. Yum.

Like most said, though, a lot of it was me not having a ton of constant saddle time to get my ass calloused in the right spots. During the "riding season" I get my kicks with more technical stuff; MD, KVSP, Allamuchy, Deer Park; all of which I find myself out of the saddle on a climb or descent almost as much as I am seated. Sussex Branch, as most of you know, is 21 miles up, 21 miles back with essentially no ascents or descents, no turns, hardpack railbed and packed singletrack the whole way, meaning I was sitting pretty much nonstop.

Thanks again; always good to learn something new.
for epic rides and 24 hour races, I take the safe route and slather on "Bag Balm". Made for rubbing on cow udders before milking, I have been using it since the 70's for windburn protection, while skiing, smoothing chapped skin and and bicycling. Somewhat greasy but works great and leaves all skin very soft!!!
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