

Not-So-Venerable Asshat
Hey everyone. I've been around this site awhile, but I just realized I haven't introduced myself. I live in Hillsborough and ride mostly six mile and chimney rock (and occasionally hartshorne).

I've been riding for a few years, but I don't get out as much as I would like to due to work, life, and a very expectant wife at home (the next generation of mtb enthusiast arrives mid-October! 😀 ). I try to get out at least once a week, more if I can swing it.

Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to catch up with some of you on one of the group rides.

Where's your Underdog avatar?

Welcome, ignore anything Jake says tonight he's pasted. Get out now, as much as you can. The first 2-3 months you'll sit home, sleep little, eat a lot, and get fat. Seriously congrats on the expecting. It's really great when it doesn't suck. Words to live by.
Thanks for the advice and the well wishes. Gonna try to ride as much as I can until the little one gets here (and hopefully stay in shape during my new baby/winter hiatus).

I've got the Udog avatar somewhere, but that's SOOOO mtbr. Besides, I currently favor my The Cheat avatar.

I think I do all my profile editing from work - you know, for the sake of productivity.

Where's your Underdog avatar?

Welcome, ignore anything Jake says tonight he's pasted. Get out now, as much as you can. The first 2-3 months you'll sit home, sleep little, eat a lot, and get fat. Seriously congrats on the expecting. It's really great when it doesn't suck. Words to live by.
Thanks for the advice and the well wishes. Gonna try to ride as much as I can until the little one gets here (and hopefully stay in shape during my new baby/winter hiatus).

I've got the Udog avatar somewhere, but that's SOOOO mtbr. Besides, I currently favor my The Cheat avatar.

I think I do all my profile editing from work - you know, for the sake of productivity.

Never Fear! Under....err, Norm is here! I fixed you up right good. Always good to have another Homsar fan around.
Not just an Avatar...

an animated avatar!

Quite cool, thanks!

I got mad at the Cheat, for screwing up the jumble caper.

Never Fear! Under....err, Norm is here! I fixed you up right good. Always good to have another Homsar fan around.
welcome to the site. ironically i probably rode more in my son's first 6 months than i would have ever imagined. he was our first child, and was boob feeding. after that - well you know how that goes...
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