Fun Place

cool deal! i've heard a lot about lynn woods. one guy on the board, woody, used to live up there and rode lynn a lot. said it was great. i was planning on giving that a shot when i was in boston two weeks ago but my boss decided to attend my trip and i thought having the bike on the car may not be the best idea. i wish i had ridden more when i lived there. all i did was ride around the charles to train for tris.

ok, i have no idea where the old sledding hill is. you mean the old orchard off of mccaffery? we used to sled up there quite a bit but that's been condos for years now. but yeah up in that general direction there are a couple trails. check this map:

i think you're talking about heading away from the ball field and off to right? if so, follow the gravel trail to where it comes to a "T" then go straight up the single track right in front of you. there a couple trails in that area but not much. it's worth it though for the vert.
I've ridden Lynn Woods - it's got a fantastic trail with huge rocks to huck-up and roll along. i loved it and will go back there next time I'm up north.

I used to ride a Mountain Cycle Fury as well! i still have a black ano frame, large I think, with a 5th element coil shock if you're interested in purchasing a back-up!

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