Deer Park


New Member
Wow has anyone else seen the pond lately? Where is all the water??
Looks like they may have had a problem with the dam judging by the amount of construction equipment and bags of cement over there.
How low is it? Any pics? I have not been there since July 4th, looked normal then.

Ya know I didn't think to take a pic with my phone. Dirp!

It is VERY low. You can see the bottom everywhere. It's exposed out from the dam for about 50-75 feet I guess.
Ya know I didn't think to take a pic with my phone. Dirp!

It is VERY low. You can see the bottom everywhere. It's exposed out from the dam for about 50-75 feet I guess.

Wow! Any fish flopping around? Did it smell? Does it look like the dam failed, or was it a controlled release so they can do maintenance on it?
Wow! Any fish flopping around? Did it smell? Does it look like the dam failed, or was it a controlled release so they can do maintenance on it?

I did expect to see fish flopping around, it is that low.

Not terribly smelly but it was a nice dry windy day. Don't know if it failed or was controlled, it's a mess over there: Big piles of rocks, heavy machinery, bags of cement...

Well if the dam is still inplace and ridable then must be controlled release. Dam maintenance!

Or maybe it is really bad erosion from the race that was held there last year in the rain. 🙂
Well if the dam is still inplace and ridable then must be controlled release. Dam maintenance!

Or maybe it is really bad erosion from the race that was held there last year in the rain. 🙂


I don't think so. From what I understand a lot of TM was done to repair the park after that race.

Well, I understand it now because you're telling me but I don't know what that means.

What it means is that the promotors for that race put in approximately 80 hours of TM following the race to ensure the trails were back in top shape (no volunters were harmed or utilized for TM purposes). My sarcasim was based on my thought that you knew this and hence the smile at the end of your post.

BTW, to set the record straight and avoid confusion I am one of the three folks that promoted that race and the All-A-Muchy races.

See ya,


What it means is that the promotors for that race put in approximately 80 hours of TM following the race to ensure the trails were back in top shape (no volunters were harmed or utilized for TM purposes). My sarcasim was based on my thought that you knew this and hence the smile at the end of your post.

BTW, to set the record straight and avoid confusion I am one of the three folks that promoted that race and the All-A-Muchy races.

See ya,


I actually thought you did the TM hence the 🙂.

Thanks for the explanation.
Other hat...

We had our promoter hats on for that! 🙂

BTW, now I know where I know you from, you are Alex's friend right?
The Dam

I'd have to guess that the water level has been deliberately lowered for dam maintanence just like they lower water for rapairing docks on Hopatcong. It's interesting to see the previously water covered tunnels that hide beneath the surface. They look like beaver tunnels. I don't mind the little diversion they made for the main trail but the trail that continues straight up the mountain is blocked with a huge pile of driveway stones and a machine operator that is blind and deaf while he is operating it. Watch it!
Rode Deer Park First Time Last Saturday (9/8)

I rode this park for the first time last Saturday. The Lead Person of my school, Mr. A., took Ron and I on a nice 14-mile tour of the park. We hoped to get a few more miles out of the park, but had to bail early to make it to a family picnic that afternoon.

I had a tough time with the first few miles; it's not terribly difficult, but whenever I approach new terrain I'm a bit trepidatious. I rode a few sections in "do-over" fashion and found that I had plenty of skill to manage them.

I broke my poorly-lubed chain at around mile 3.7. Mr. A. had a spare link and we fixed the chain and rode back to the lot to grab some lube. Then we rode on back to where my chain broke and picked up the trail. About one mile or so into Phase II, Mr. A.'s tire went flat so we had to change the tube and repair the gash in his tire before moving on. After that, no more mechanicals. Around mile 5 I suddenly remembered how to ride an effing bike again and had no more trouble with obstacles, rocks, streams or the somewhat squirrely downhills in the park.

I loved this park and hope to ride there again soon. Next time I want to explore the North side and challenge myself to clean every roller and rock pile to be found in the park, bruised legs be damned.
Deer Park Friday 3:00

Hi. I'm going to Deer Park tomorrow at 3 if anyone is around, also Sunday morning with some newbie friends of mine who really have the bug for mountain biking. I usually do Allamuchy 517 Gate/Cardiac area but I'm nursing a sore wrist at the moment so Deer Park it is. I ride a Punishmint Green Bianchi SS and hope to see anyone there!😀

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