Dear Tech Geek:


Gay & Stuffy
Ok, so I have an apple airport wireless router. The signal sucks, bad. It has to pass through a concrete wall, my PC picks it up no problem, but smaller devices like Ipads cant maintain a connection. My fvcking neighbors who are not close to me at all, all have these massive signals that I would like to steal but they are all password protected.

Here is my question: Why the fuck is my signal so weak that an ipad cant see it from 50 feet away, but my neighbors signals are full strength from 200 yards or more away.

Please help, Signed Computer Illiterate


Well-Known Member
If you have an Android phone, download Wifi Analyzer from the app store and see if there are some channels that are less utilized than others. Login into your router (google "how to login into [router model here]) and change the 2.4ghz wireless channel from auto to 1, 6, or 11 if one of those is less congested. Also change your login credentials while you're in there, and update your network to have a funny SSID (network name).

This helped in my condo somewhat, but freaking Optimium WiFi is everywhere now clogging up the airwaves.
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