Current loop of Sterling?

another vote for clockwise, but from someone who only did it twice, both clockwise. Here from Friday =>

I wish I had read up on the snake part before going, but then again, blissful ignorance...trails are in killer condition. Met some of the Americorps trail crew there too. Amazing place.
Did I do this right? Might get in one or two more, same direction or backwards.

Any input appreciated!

(By the way, as someone who rides in Monmouth County almost exclusively, I loved seeing people out *working on the trail* during the ride. Said "hi" and thanked them for pointing me in the right direction)

You missed a big piece of it. Purple is the Flowworks '17 section of MunseeEagle, Orange is the lower part of Redback and the green takes you out to the other parking lot. (drawn freehand, approximate route of trail).

Guess you'll have to go back :)


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