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I was so looking foward to what was to be my first race of 08 this coming Sunday Feb. 10th at the Outdoor Adventures in Schenectady, NY. I am sorry to announce (holding back the tears) 😀 it's been, been, been Cancelled!
Race # 1 now will be on Feb. 17th (won't hold my breath) 😡
Christina ...
I just came across that race series. I'm not big into racing, but would like to do some select ones this year, as well as maybe something a bit on the torturous side, thinking maybe the Darkhorse Forty. Anyway, that Outdoor Adventures race series seems a bit weird. I only saw a few categories listed. No seperate age categories or anything, is that the way those are set up. Also, do you have to be a NORBA or USA cycling member or anything like that??? Just curious, either way, gots to wait till I gots more duckies in my pocket, also, I've got to replace my BB now, I apparently killed my BB with all my riding recently, I guess 11 years is a pretty good life for a BB when the dude punishing it is 220 lbs. Anyway, sorry about yer race being cancelled, is it due to the wet/ icy conditions???? This is a bit early for the mtb races to be starting up here. TJ
for the darkhorse you don't have to be a member of anything and there aren't as many categories if I recall correctly. Just beautiful torture and alot of fun and nice barbeque afterwards if you can muster the strength to eat.

Hi Dualfisted,

Im not really sure why outdoor adventures cancels their races. I also agree with you the way they set up their classes makes ya look twice. The reason is if they were to break the classes into age groups they might not have enough riders. For racing you can buy a one day norba license for 5 bucks. I raced my first Mtb race last June and I love it. There is a local race this year in Tatum park you may want to look into. Its called the Woods Classic Mtb race it's on Saturday August 9th. Sorry to hear about your BB
Have a great day,

Fallgirl ... 🙂
torture, then bar b q???? I'm down.

I really like the idea of doing that Darkhorse race, I think I've got it in me, maybe I'll buy a giant cruiser seat for the event to ward off saddlesores, haha.
FALLGIRL- I hear ya on the breakdown of the classes, riding a class with only three riders kinda doesn't make it much of a race. I've only done a few races, and the ones I've done were broken into so many classes your head would spin filling out the entry form. I think I fell into the 20-30 yr old, beginner class, 26 inch, front suspension, 24 speed all knobby class, haha. Anyway, thanks for the 411. Cya on the trail once I get that new BB. The BB situation only irks me cuz I've got a tapered crankset, not ISIS, so I'm hoping I won't have to settle for a mediocre BB, cuz I am NOT upgrading cranksets at this time damn it!!! Ha, lates, TJ
From everything I've heard it's been a great race. I've been trying to do it for the past 2 years but I've always been away or had a conflict with that date. I'm going to try to make it this year. It's penciled in at least.
hey ryan we raced the last 3 or 4 of those outsideadventures 2 hours as many laps as you can do more like short track great for preseason cardio nothing to tech real tight n twisty.
old dude, beginner class, here I come

those outside adventure ones sound fun too,,,,, so, now I wanna do those, the H2H series, the Darkhorse and 24 Hours of Allamuchy,,,,,,,,,,, wait a second, I just went from not racing at all to racing every weekend. Lucky thing I've been doing a lot of riding over the winter. Where's the "Old Guy/ Over thirty beginner class at??? Ha.
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