Calling all riders.....

Jason thanks for the advice, that stuff should be helpful. My original post was just to draw some attention to the situation and not all this back and forth stuff.
Jason thanks for the advice, that stuff should be helpful. My original post was just to draw some attention to the situation and not all this back and forth stuff.

Hopefully between IMBA and the County we can work something out.
The whole topic isn't about the height or the stability, it's the fact that someone take's it upon themselves to destroy something, with the intent of.....what.....stop people from riding, hiking, or enjoying being outdoors?

While there are many valid topics discussed, and this thread can get lost in a heart beat, the fact is the golf course took action without consulting with the town, or whoever wants to take responsibility and destroyed the bridges.

While I would love to ride across their greens and squat a log in the holes, it's not right.

I hope it gets fixed, and if and when it does, this pin head doesn't try to take action and do this again on his own terms or I'm eatin' chili and hitting the golf course!
The whole topic isn't about the height or the stability, it's the fact that someone take's it upon themselves to destroy something, with the intent of.....what.....stop people from riding, hiking, or enjoying being outdoors?

My guess is this has little do with controlling access to the property and more to do with a structure that's 5-6' tall that posses unreasonable risk in their eyes. It's their property, it's irrational to get mad at them for removing trail features illegally built on their property.

If these features were on the property associated with Ceres and an organized group of volunteers with previous permission built these features, all this outrage would be understandable.

Unfortunately, what I see here is a handful of individuals who actually care and want to get involved and put the time in and another couple hundred who are signing the up as "me too" but don't show up to help advocate for trail access.

Yes, we all become attached to our home trails and don't want to see destruction, development or access restricted. But if you aren't going to step up and do something about it (organize advocate and volunteer) then what's the point in complaining?

That being said, as a rider, it sucks to see these features removed. I really do feel for you as all of us here do.
Hopefully between IMBA and the County we can work something out.

From what I've heard and seen (on videos), there are a lot of technical trail features at this park and my guess (formed by what I've read) is that they were all built without permission of the land owner. These are the same issues that we face in all parks around the country. We all love ttfs but at the end of the day if someone hurts themselves on it, there is a risk of removal by the land owner/manager.

You may get the same advice from IMBA but I would suggest you find a champion amongst one of the locals, seek out the land owners/managers and start a legitimate trail group and work with them. Over time you will develop the trust needed to move forward with your trail ideas, but initially I would suggest you ask what they would like. With the economy the way it is, parks have no budgets for trail work and rely on volunteers. Pushing too hard may force them to close a park rather than invest a lot of time policing it, and no one wants that. Reach out to them; hopefully you can make a positive out of all this.
From what I've heard and seen (on videos), there are a lot of technical trail features at this park and my guess (formed by what I've read) is that they were all built without permission of the land owner. These are the same issues that we face in all parks around the country. We all love ttfs but at the end of the day if someone hurts themselves on it, there is a risk of removal by the land owner/manager.

You may get the same advice from IMBA but I would suggest you find a champion amongst one of the locals, seek out the land owners/managers and start a legitimate trail group and work with them. Over time you will develop the trust needed to move forward with your trail ideas, but initially I would suggest you ask what they would like. With the economy the way it is, parks have no budgets for trail work and rely on volunteers. Pushing too hard may force them to close a park rather than invest a lot of time policing it, and no one wants that. Reach out to them; hopefully you can make a positive out of all this.

Had a meeting today that could get us somewhere with the main bridge that crosses the stream. Right now it's in our best interest to not make a loud fuss about the situation. It looks like we can get this done without angering Mantua, the county, etc if we go about this the right way. I'll keep everyone posted.

making some progress
+1 for Frank

From what I've heard and seen (on videos), there are a lot of technical trail features at this park and my guess (formed by what I've read) is that they were all built without permission of the land owner. These are the same issues that we face in all parks around the country. We all love ttfs but at the end of the day if someone hurts themselves on it, there is a risk of removal by the land owner/manager.

Frank has the logical answer to this. It's not if the bridge is to high or to low or solid or wobble. It's the fact that there is a bridge there at all and how it got to be there in the first place? The Video looks like this is a great place to ride with lots of fun stuff but when someone gets hurt or can get hurt everything changes. Many trails need to be muilti use and some hikers and horse's might have trouble with some of those features. I wish we had some of those features here but its something we give up in order to have peace with all users and Park personal. Im sure if you guys find the right person and work your way up you can have a "safe" environment for everyone to enjoy. In the mean time, we will just have to go to White Clay for the fun stuff! If you need a hand I would help because where I ride is Too Sandy.. You Dig? Good luck.. for real..
Yes, we all become attached to our home trails and don't want to see destruction, development or access restricted. But if you aren't going to step up and do something about it (organize advocate and volunteer) then what's the point in complaining?

You do have a valid point, and while I am new to riding on these trails, I would be willing to volunteer.

Your 100% right with the fact it's on their property (if it is), and I am just going on hearsay, and they have the right to do what they want. But it's sad that when people who enjoy nature, go outside and enjoy what Mother Nature has provided us, that this is the response to a situation that could of been handled differently.
looks like things are progressing smoothly, from the Save Ceres site:

"I had a VERY positive meeting today with the Gloucester County Parks and Recreation department today. The director took it upon himself to visit the park, and fondly watched a group of bikers navigate the trails near the golf course. They are going to post signs to reduce their liability, but he encouraged all bikers, hikers & runners to continue to enjoy the park. More to follow"
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