Another Site Migration - around 03/20/23

Took me a few times to get it to work via my iPhone safari browser. Old bookmark didn’t work. Had to type the url manually and login for me to get here.

Seems more stable now -

I did go and delete all the site data stored in the browser (click through the padlock, find delete site data)
then logged back in.

more as i figure this out.

next update is to use the latest version of php - yes, php. i know, right.
I have to log in every time I visit the page on my phone, even if I check the “remember me” box.
I would like to speak to a manager.
In today's update - the site is once again redirecting to https mode.

We like the little lock icon, and want to protect your cookies.

If it matters - i'm seeing page requests serviced in less than 1/10 of a second.
At its worst, it was 2 seconds, and in normal mode it was ~3/10
We like the little lock icon, and want to protect your cookies.
Me say THANKS! Nom Nom Nom...

Hey all - i tried the php upgrade the other night and it failed.
Looks like it needs some magic, so the site will go offline
for a bit.

I'll attempt to do this in the wee hours of the morn.
maybe tonight or the next.
Hey all - i tried the php upgrade the other night and it failed.
Looks like it needs some magic, so the site will go offline
for a bit.

I'll attempt to do this in the wee hours of the morn.
maybe tonight or the next.

Failed again!

I'm gunna fail this class.
Speaking of email notifications......

They should be working now.
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