pork roll or taylor ham


Fourth Party
I have always known it as pork roll, and can tell the difference when "taylor ham" is advertised as pork roll. Just wondering your thoughts on this great NJ meat product.
Pork roll for sure. And I hate when I order pork roll, and the deli person says taylor ham. That's like when you order a medium at starbucks, they will always read it back to you as grande. Kiss my ass.
F*ng PORK ROLL!! from Jersey Farms on Lanes Mill Rd! I'm trying to cut back to once a week..but it's hard.
I think Taylor Ham is a North Jersey thing and anywhere below Rt78 they call it Pork Roll.

It's ordered like this ----> Taylor Ham, Egg and Cheese on a roll .
It's positively pork roll. North jersey people call it taylor ham because apparently taylor was the only brand to make it that far away from Trenton. If you live outside of jersey you have no clue what the hell pork roll is, its funny but sad all at the same time.
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i grew up in staten island. you can piss on jersey from it and i still never heard of it till recently.

Dude you gotta change your avatar. You post too much for me to see that every damn 8 minutes.

Don't make me do it myself! :getsome:
breakfast of champs.....
porkroll,egg and cheese on a hard roll and the egg has to be loose....
there is a little deli on 70 by the market is a great thing....
add hot sauce an you be good to go..
i never knew what pork roll was till like 2 years ago whe i first came to nj.

Ditto. My g/f loves the stuff... she calls it pork roll... and wears her North Jersey roots like a badge of honor... I basically grew up in PA (moved there from GA when I was 10) and I suppose I had it as a kid (it's readily available at my local stores), but never thought much about what it's called... or cared...
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