How about 8:30 at Ryerson? We could take the red trail to catsnest then up to Pearson's ridge and then whether we feel feel ambitious or not we can go to ilgenstein rock and then turn around and come back and then down white to warm puppy.......
Done deal!
How about 8:30 at Ryerson? We could take the red trail to catsnest then up to Pearson's ridge and then whether we feel feel ambitious or not we can go to ilgenstein rock and then turn around and come back and then down white to warm puppy.......
This should be a good ride. I’ve never been to Ringwood, what’s it like?
How about 8:30 at Ryerson? We could take the red trail to catsnest then up to Pearson's ridge and then whether we feel feel ambitious or not we can go to ilgenstein rock and then turn around and come back and then down white to warm puppy.......
My favorite loop wish I could make it this weekend
more info on reverb - seems the hydraulics to actuate the post are not mixed with those in the post.
Someone buy the wolftooth cable and try this out in the cold so i don't have to!
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