Leg Burn Eliminator

Great stuff

I have severe osteoarthritis in my spine, hips, and knees. I take 1,000 mg of a combination Glucosamine, Chondrotin, and MSM once in the morning and once at night.

I know this stuff works. I went to Germany for 6 weeks and left all my pills at home. (I'm not hauling all this I thought) At the end of week three, I had to roll out of the bed and onto the floor in order to get out of bed. I was creeping along for the first 3 hours of the day and then had to go to bed early because I ache. I didn't think much about it because I was still biking and visiting relatives.

Once I got back to the states,..I started my routine again. Two weeks later, you can't even tell I have joint issues every morning. heck, I even do my yoga in the morning. I can't live without it.

PS. Some of the best deals on the stuff is the drug stores selling, Buy one Get one free.
I've had knee problems for years. I use D-Glucosamine HCL, which is "fish-free" and notice a significant difference if I slack off taking it every day.

I once met a man walking his dog on the trail and he said the Glucosamine-Chondroitin had the dog jogging down the trail, where before the dog could barely hobble along.

For anyone who thinks they might benefit from it, it's definitely worth trying. Just make sure you're not allergic to fish.
i know this topic has been beaten into the ground a million times before and there is plenty of evidence pointing in both directions, but:

milk and other dairy products have alot of calcium, this is true, but they also contain enzymes for the assimilation of that calcium that are useless to humans, and are only really suited to ruminants like cows and goats. it is an absolute fact that the countries with the highest dairy consumption per capita also have the highest rates of osteoperosis per capita. the oppossite(lowest/lowest) is also true.

and that is not coming from a vegan standpoint. i eat alot of fish and just now finished eating a couple of slices of pizza for lunch.

excellent point anrothar

I considered myself a "vegetarian" for 20 years because I didn't eat meat and fish. My main source of protein was dairy. Cheese and ice cream, with lesser amounts of rice and beans.

When I went for my first bone density scan a few years ago I was absolutely pissed to hear that I have osteopenia, which is the precurser to opteoporosis. I felt I did all the right things to keep my bones strong. I've been active my whole life, I ate so many dairy products it was coming out of my ears!

I figured with all that "calcium" and my way of life I wouldn't have to worry about the dreaded "dowager's hump". Wrong! :mad: Everyone's body is completely unique,..... but I wouldn't rely on dairy products alone to provide you with the necessary calcium. Especially all you racers out there.

But, on the plus side,... since I completely gave up dairy products over 2 years ago, even though my overall cholesterol level is about 206 (down from about 218), my tryglicerides went way down, and my HDL/LDL ratio has improved.

And an even more pleasant bonus is that my sinus problems have been greatly reduced. I'd say there's about a 75 to 80% improvement in that area. I used to get sinus headaches that could keep me in bed for days. But no more thankfully. And I spend far less $ on decongestents and anti-histamines.
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