#BIYF2015 Tournament info


Overthinking the draft from the basement already
Staff member
Well, we have two weeks left in the BIYF series, and it is going to come down to the wire....who wants it more? I have a trophy idea, so that is coming....

In other news, the year-end tournament will now be open to everyone - why? we aren't going to compete against each other....we are going to compete against our local pro!

Here is the set-up, the week of 3/16->3/21 (we are ending on saturday, as it is the first day of spring) - all the BIYF competitors are playing by the standard rules - parks, epic points, hard points, races, etc....

Our pro is going to get 1 point for each half hour ridden. We'll total it up, then award the point for each 1/2 hour, so daily rounding doesn't matter. Anyone who beats the pro will get something. Don't know what, but something.

Who is this pro? you may ask....

Think about it.

Official announcement tomorrow!
So Vreeland, I mean the pro, rides 10 hrs that week he gets 20 pts and anyone that gets more than 20 using the standard rules gets a prize?
Pearl and Heckler have Pro swagger... :)

Jimmy, you should crush it this season with all the base miles you put in. What is your target race this year?
SO, you have been on the edge of your seat hitting the refresh key waiting for more news???

Here ya go:

Jim Vreeland has agreed to go hard and long in an attempt to squash us like a bug.

To sweeten the pot - the top finisher that beats him - will be awarded a Hilltop Bicycles Camo Jersey - rumor is there may be a second jersey up for grabs!

Win the Jersey off Jim Tourney


Big thanks to Jim & HB for making this possible.

Jim will also be featuring a BIYF visibility flag on his idtabike journey, so make sure you've shown him some love in his fundraiser. Every little bit counts - he's 75% funded! Let's get him over the top.

The King of the guessers (me) nailed it. That said, I have 0% chance at beating him so good luck Ken and Soundz
My average weekly hours during this contest have always been higher (at 1pt per half hr) than the contest points I put up. If you think I'm going to seek out even more 45 minute parks for this you are cray cray.
My average weekly hours during this contest have always been higher (at 1pt per half hr) than the contest points I put up. If you think I'm going to seek out even more 45 minute parks for this you are cray cray.

recommend epic, race, hard points to pad your score....remember a road century is now worth 3....(yeah?)

JimV has averaged under 10 hours a week since the beginning of the year without counting tuscobia.

You weren't going to win anyway...:getsome::getsome::getsome::getsome:..;)
Pat, correct me if Im wrong. In order to beat JimV you have to ride 2or more parks a day? Since JimV's score based on his ride/hour.
Remember it's a short week - 6 days. And since Jim is doing HOH service via bike he will likely have quite a few moving hours that last day.
Pat, correct me if Im wrong. In order to beat JimV you have to ride 2or more parks a day? Since JimV's score based on his ride/hour.

Just need to outscore him any way you can!
I think he will be above his average that week, by triple.


The final week (week 11) will be tourney week.

The BIYF contestants will all use the existing rules to garner points.

JimV has graciously offered to do accrue points at 1 per hour. No doubt he'll do 10 hours on Monday to either break us, or motivate....

The top winner, if they beat JimV, will get to visit HB at their own expense, to share some sort of veggie treat, and claim their prize.

JimV is doing bike support for HOH - we will designate someone to continuously flat in his area to minimize moving time.

Recommend HOH riders to ride it up to a century, save the road point, hope it it rains for the last 45 minutes. ride+race+century+road+dirt road+rain=8 stop in otto farms for an extra park?
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