amp & Subwoofer.


Well-Known Member
Team MTBNJ Halter's
If you want to crank up the car stereo you need this. Freakonomics rated this an all time best buy, with 9 out of 10 customers enjoying the superior sound that these items produce.

If you want both items will sell for $30.

Cadence 4 channel Amp. Mint condition, this bad boy will drive some soundz. $20DSCF4252.JPG

JL Audio 10" Subwoofer in sealed box, blow your friends off the road with this driving bass sound. Good shape, similiar items are selling on Ebay for $150. Will sell for $20.

I don't see Iggy to be the type of guy to blast those fresh beats. I guess I have been mistaken.

I bet chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavored water would sound pretty good with that.

@Flaubert we need this for our golf cart
dirt cheap price for good equipment, unfortunately I have about 1000 lbs of Nakamichi in my basement which I'll never use again

someone should buy this for their kids, a real steal
This would make a great April fools to hook up in someone's car
You can prank me if you want, It really sounded good in my old car. The bass was not obnoxiously loud and the speakers I had were really good. Its amazing what a difference an amp makes for a car stereo.

If no one bites on this I could rig it up in the basement. I just have to watch some youtube videos as to how to supply power to this thing, or invite Luke or Jimmy and put them to work.
You can prank me if you want, It really sounded good in my old car. The bass was not obnoxiously loud and the speakers I had were really good. Its amazing what a difference an amp makes for a car stereo.

If no one bites on this I could rig it up in the basement. I just have to watch some youtube videos as to how to supply power to this thing, or invite Luke or Jimmy and put them to work.
Totally agree, I too had one in my car some time ago, that's how I know Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog flavored water sounds good through it.
I remember powering my first 8 track in dash unit in my room before I had a car with this.

You can prank me if you want, It really sounded good in my old car. The bass was not obnoxiously loud and the speakers I had were really good. Its amazing what a difference an amp makes for a car stereo.

If no one bites on this I could rig it up in the basement. I just have to watch some youtube videos as to how to supply power to this thing, or invite Luke or Jimmy and put them to work.

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