jungle habitat

  1. TheLeatherBoundBook

    Ride through the Jungle - Saturday Oct 31?

    Hello all, New here to the forum. Is anyone interested in joining me for a ride through Jungle Habitat this Saturday morning? Would aim to meet at the parking lot around 9am. I consider myself a solidly intermediate rider. Ride mostly blues and blacks, even when I can’t ride then whole thing...
  2. Kaleidopete

    A new name, better access and more activity for Jungle Habitat

    A new name, better access and more activities appear to be in the future for the former Jungle Habitat property full story http://www.westmilfordmessenger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20171116/NEWS01/171119979/0/OPINION/Public-to-weigh-in-on-former-theme-park's-future
  3. Bleeder

    Jungle T-shirts for JORBA

    Check it out. This may or may not be a good idea. Jungle T-shirts Fundraising
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