WTB: Medium hardtail for my fiance


Hello everyone ! I'm new to the site and new to mountain bikes but that hasn't stopped it from already consuming my life!

I am looking for a bike for my fiance because I want to be able to share my new found passion with her! She need a size medium , she is 5' 7" as a referance for size.

The only things I'm am concerned about is hydraulic discs and a lockout front fork . But that doesnt mean I wont consider other options .

We are not looking to spend much over $500. Which obviously isnt a lot of money to play with but she isnt looking for anything too special either. Just something so try out. Thanks ! - Taylor
I actually was taking to Johnny a few weeks ago about that bike for myself actually and was considering it as an option for the fiance. The only problem is that she may not even like it so putting out the money is a risk. But I'm sure if she hated it I wouldn't be in too bad of a spot with the bike :) could be a fun bike to have.
So, the mountain bike festival is this Sunday. The smart thing to do is both of you come up and demo a few different types of bikes (for free). If you’re worried about the single track, stick to the fire roads. It’s still getting her out on a bike and letting HER decide if (a) this is something she might want to pursue and (b) what type of bike (if any) speaks to her.

The success rate is much higher this way..... take it from a guy with 25+ years of marriage experience.

Just my 2c-
Still in the market maybe someone can chime in on an affordable off the shelf bike that might be worth while? Thanks everyone for the help.
Still in the market maybe someone can chime in on an affordable off the shelf bike that might be worth while? Thanks everyone for the help.
You're going to have a very difficult time finding a bike that's trail worthy for $500 or less. Paved paths or hard pack gravel/flat dirt, yeah, maybe. Good luck. You really should get her to demo some bikes. Check the What's Happening thread for upcoming demos. Be on the lookout for Liv, which is Giant's woman's version.
Still interested , I'm realizing that my price is a bit unrealistic from the past few days of looking.
Well hers is the red one on the left its a Diamondback Mason pro , My bike is on the right and its a Mondraker Prime R+
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