SSAP 2011 Recaps

You were one or 2 spits ahead of a traffic jam. We popped out onto the road and passed the traffic jammer but you guys were out. Excellent display of riding yesterday.
Jeremy-congrats on the win. I don't know you personally but I knew you were the pre race favorite. I was next to Pearl and wondering where you were at first. You had every right to be standing up front, so I had no issues with you cutting in and pretty sure nobody else did either.

Pearl/Dustin/Capers-great job out there yesterday. From following the threads, I knew you guys put a lot of training in over the winter, so it was nice to see all of your hard work paid off. Keep it up!
On to Race day
There’s just something cool about being the only car on the road, and then coming up on somebody with a bike on their roof, and you know they are going to the same place you are. In this case it was Mr. Capers. After I fly by him I start thinking about what his pre-race drive is like and how it’s probably a lot different than mine. He’s probably sitting in his car jamming out to some Phish or some other hippy stuff and meditating. I on the other hand have my hood on, head banging, and blasting some All That Remains at a level way too high for 6AM. Different folks, different strokes I guess. (I admit I have no idea what capers listens too, nor do I really know him well enough to make these judgments)

Hahaha! No, thats actually a perfectly legitimate judgement. I recall last year pulling into the h2h LM race with my windows open and Phish CRANKED. But I'm no hippie, thats for dam sure.

When you flew by me, I was funkin' out to The Breakestra, and of corse it was funkin' loud as shitt.
They are usually my soundtrack of choice pre-race. Something about that LA funk that gets me amped.

Good job on the win dude. I'll be honest, I was kind of expecting that from you.
Just dropped the SS off to Colin at Bicycle Pro for service. There was nothing left of my break pads.actually wore a hole through them.

One of the pads on my front brakes was completely sheered off -- there was nothing left of it. I mean nothing -- I almost think it came off in one piece, because it was so sheer. It looked like polished metal.
This turned out to be a bit of an epic..:popcorn:

This was my first chance to give the Palooza a go. I started racing last year at Wawayanda, and after the DH40 I knew I wasn’t going to be missing any of the Dark Horse races, they really do put together a spectacular event. I was really looking forward to yesterday’s race. After shaking the rust off at Fair Hill last weekend, I was also felt I was capable of a pretty solid finish. With that said, yesterday was a pretty big disappointment, but a good learning experience for me.

My recap starts with me having a few weeks before the race to figure out what I am going to race. I don’t own a single speed. MattyB was very generous and offered me the use of one of his bikes, but I thought I would be more comfortable and stand a better chance on my own frame. I picked up some parts and converted my bike over. S/S chainring, a good quality spacer kit to get a nice chain line, I scored a Surly Singulator for chain tensioning purposes, and borrowed a cog from sexy rob. I set the bike up after the Fair Hill race, and all seemed well on the two test rides I did this week. I set the singulator to push up and it seemed to be holding tension fine. The plan was to carry zip ties with me as backup in the event I started losing tension. I was good to go.

I met up with rob and we rolled into the parking area around 7:30. The dark horse events seem to draw just about everyone from MTBNJ, and its great to see so many familiar faces. I register, gear up, and head out for a warm up with Jeremy and rob. We cruise around a bit then ride the prologue. I’m feeling pretty good. I was a bit late to the party getting to the start line, it was pretty packed when I got over there. I managed to work my way up and squeeze in at the front.

Off we go. Racing cat2 19-29 I have been accustomed to very hot starts. I’m not sure if this is typical across classes or we are young and dumb, but the first 15 minutes or so of most of my races are just stupid fast until people start just popping. This was a slow rollout. Everyone seemed content to cruise down the road at a less than blistering pace. A group of ten or so of us were pretty tightly packed in the front, and I was waiting for the 50 people behind us to blow by but it never happened. Thinking it was, I wanted to make sure I was in good position going into the single track and didn’t hit a bottle neck. I was stuck in the middle of the pack with Dustin to my left. There was some clear road on the left hand side and I told him to head up the left. Not sure if he heard me or was thinking the same thing, but we both took off up the left side and the two of us were out in front. I was making no attempt to get away, I just didn’t want to get hung up.

As we neared the single track a handful of guys passed me, and I was sitting towards the rear of the top ten, right where I wanted to be. No issues funneling into the single track. When we made it to the swampy section of the prologue, I was able to ride right through, no issues with people getting jammed up in front of me. Not sure of the order of events at this point, but I found myself trading spots with Capers and Dustin for the first half or so of the first lap. Pretty early on after the prologue I dropped my chain. I was pretty pissed but I popped it back on and figure it was a fluke. Pearl passed me as I was getting it back on, never to be seen again. I was feeling really good, made it up the peanut butter climb no issues. My gear choice seemed just right. Capers and I were together quite a bit, trading back and forth. He was keeping a good pace and for the middle of the lap I just kind of settled in behind him, he was pushing up through the dry rockier section with the punchy climbs really well so I just stuck to his wheel.

Somewhere along the way, less then halfway through the first lap I see RNG-rob standing hopelessly on the side of the trail with his chain in his hands like he going to try to jump rope with it or something. He asks if I have a chain tool, and happy to help a team mate in need I reach into my pocket as a pass by and toss him my multi-tool. I have one of those crank brothers tools with the rubber piece around it that keeps the tools from popping out and stabbing you. The rubber piece works great for tucking a quick link into, and also holds zip ties quite well. I never ride without this setup.

As I’m cruising along with Capers maybe ¾’s of the way through the first lap, I start thinking to myself that this race is going really well. I’m thinking we are keeping a solid pace and probably have a good lead on the field since a dozen or so of us made it through the early parts of the race super clean with no hang ups or bottle necks. I slip by Capers and I think I put a small 10 or 15 second gap on him. Then I hear some crunching. And some more crunching. Shit starts to hit the fan. Very quickly the chain goes from skipping only when really torquing on the cranks to the cranks jumping 180 degrees any time I put any kind of pressure on them. I drop my chain a second time, Capers and several others pass me. The tensioner has lost all tension. At this point I’m pretty pissed off and wondering if I’m going to have to walk out of here. I have no tool, no zip tie. In a frivolous attempt to revive it, I blast the tensioner with some water but it doesn’t come back to life. I proceed to limp my way through the remainder of the lap, running up any incline, coasting down the hills and lightly peddling through any flats. I was thinking to myself how this must be good practice for cyclocross. Any pressure on the cranks results in my chain skipping. I am passed by many. As I near the end of the lap I decide I’m going to finish. First though, I’m going to swing back to the car and see if I can fix the damn tensioner. I don’t care if I get DQ’d for doing this, I’m here, I’m soaking wet, and I want to ride my bike.

I cross through the start finish and cruise back to rob’s car. I grab the allen key and cone wrench needed and tighten up the singulator. It seems to respond, but I take the key and the cone wrench with me. As I jump back on the course obviously coming from the direction of cars, no one says anything to me. I’m wondering how many people came through during my 6 minute detour. My chain starts skipping again as I head up the peanut butter climb. I shoulder the bike and trudge up. That may have been more painful then riding it. I stop again, flip the bike over and work on the singulator. I crank on it, I may have broken the spring. It holds for a short time but fails again. More running up and riding down. A passer by alerted by the commotion of my drivetrain suggests using one of the twist ties from my number plate. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I stop again, rig that up. To my surprise it works fairly well for a while. I stop twice to redo it as they are not strong enough for the job. As I am going through the dry rockier section with the punchy climbs again I am racking my brain trying to think of what I can tie the tensioner up with. I had nothing on me.

Then it came to me- I can use my headband. My hand band was actually a sleeve cut off from an under armor shirt. I stop again to make this happen. As I do MattyB rolls up and offers help and I ask him if he has any zip ties, but he doesn’t. Of course in my weak ass cycling shape I know longer have the upper body strength to rip the damn headband, so I use my teeth to rip through it. I tie up the tensioner and head off. Amazingly, this works awesome. I’m pretty angry at this point so I just go into search and destroy mode. I chase down anyone I can find. Its quite fun to have a bike that now works. I pass at least 12-15 people on the backstretch of the second lap, and cruise across the line. I’m pretty shocked to find that I finish 24 out of 57 finishers in sport south.

Although I’m disappointed, I won’t speculate about what could have been. What happened to me is just part of racing. I’m glad I stuck it out though. My first race with mechanical issues, but still no DNF’s on my resume. I was happy to find that so many MTBNJ heads did so well. Thanks to the Dark Horse crew for putting on a great event. The conditions made it a unique experience for. I’ll be back next year for sure. :getsome::D:getsome:


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Somewhere along the way, less then halfway through the first lap I see RNG-rob standing hopelessly on the side of the trail with his chain in his hands like he going to try to jump rope with it or something.

This made my afternoon, thanks for this mental image.

Awesome recap and good job sticking with it. Nothing wrong with a DNF, it happens to the best of us it's just a matter of time. Have to say the method behind your madness is entertaining to read, so I'm glad you hung in there.
The Fred dance was classic. As were some other moments during the after party, but some things are best left unsaid.

I had a good race. Finished 1st in Sport NJ. Would have been nice to keep the crown in the south, but I spent most of my energy chasing down 1st place, then I spent what i had left putting a small gap between us.

The Darkhorse vibe is unmistakable. They throw an awesome party.

PS - The Niner Factory girls are hot. And nice. I made a point to introduce myself to both of them.

Nice job! Jonny Rocket was sandbaggin in Cat 2 and you caught him sleepin in the last couple miles i hear. To answer your 2nd post....he probably didnt care. WINNING:D
One year ago the SSaP of 2010 was my first race. This is definitely one of my favorite events (GO DH!) and I wanted to have a solid race after getting shit on at Battenkill last week. I pre rode the course with PooRiggy on Thursday so I knew what to expect condition wise, this was helpful in my gear choice. Met up with ChrisRU Sunday morn and we made our way to up to Stewart - 13 bathroom breaks later we were there.

Registered, got dressed and rode around aimlessly for a bit. Tried showing off wheeling up a rock race and beefed it. Luckily my bike didnt get destroyed. Went back to the car and de layered and headed to the start line. I bypassed the crowd and met up with the 10 man MTBNJ army in expert.

Everyone took off at the start but I was using a relatively small gear and had no chance of keeping up so I drafted people as best as I could. I usually go out too fast but I saw Norm and Bill coasting and decided to take it easy and realize Ill pass people soon. After the first turn I blew by Bill and Norm and never saw them again (actually they passed me in 5 min). Rode thru the prolog and passed a couple people in the swamp section who got stuck.

Continued on uneventfully, passed a couple of people on the long pavement climb and than the mushy climb. Caught the Bill/Norm train on the fireroad climb after the first ST section but they caught and gapped me on the downhill. I also caught up to a guy in a yellow kit who I kept trading places with, passing him on climbs and than him passing me on the fireroads when I was spun out. Also realized at this point my first bottle was gone. I was drinking from it when warming up and forgot to refill, oops. With only 2 bottles for the race I had to conserve my water.

At one of the short steep ups I caught Bill and slammed my front wheel into him, than I kicked him over and went by. Karma caught up to me seconds later as I hit the brakes on a slick rock race and my wheels went out from my under me slamming my head into the ground. Bill laughed as he rode by.

Continued on in a daze and found Bill (who was sick, something about filling his bottles with rancid milk for the race?) than found a couple more ppl. Second lap comes and yellow kit stops to get water I passed him and never saw him again. Nearing the end of the second lap I saw a glimpse of orange/blue at the top of a hill, looked like Ilya. After another mile I found him, looked like he was in a lot of pain climbing but I had my pansy gear so I spun up the hill and went by. I was pretty astonished by this.

On the very last part of ST I got on a westwood man's ass and he bobbled going up a little steep rock so I went by. As we came out onto the pavement to the finish he caught me and I spun my brains out and stayed on his wheel. Gave him the old jedi mind trick "oh man my legs are really cramping dont think Ill make it" than stood and sprinted by at the end for a 23rd place.

Thanks DarkHorse for an awesome race and after party once again. Also big thanks to Luke who braved the mud for us.
Pain is not in my vocabulary. Ouch is.

You came out of nowhere on mile 24. Not much left in the tank at that point. Nice work. I should've paced with Norm.
it was an insanely tough race for me as well.

the mud. the rain. the...waiting.

refreshing facebook and every two minutes for race updates. feverishly texting norm, bill, bill dove, utah and anyone else that would respond for race updates (as i mentioned, luke is lucky i don't have his number).

around 11:00 i figured monty was done (i was right, btw) and figured that things would start really getting hot.

that's when the real pain kicked in. i think my battery was at like 45% and honestly i don't know how my iPhone made it. i mean, i had all these aps running in the background and forgot to turn off bluetooth so my battery was just goooooing. i mean, had i known they were there (totallly forgot my daughter took my phone and was playing all these games) i would have closed them. that would have really helped.

either way, i made it though, even saw fred dance.

another awesome production from our brothers from another mother up in the great north country.

thanks darkhorse cycles!

Rob - that was an awesome recap. You gotta do more of that. WTF you know what everyone has been saying to me today? "Can I have a treat?" Oh right, that was my daughter. Not saying, but texting. This: I wish there were more of these kinds of races. Or: Man I have to wait a whole year before me and the crew can race together again. Unfortunately, every other race from here on in has 418 categories. So you and your twin brother who was born at 2 minutes past midnight will be in different classes.

The coolness of racing in these big/strong classes is that you have a great day you come in 8th. Have a shit day you come in 30th. Many of the races the spread is: 5th for great, 10th for awful. I was stoked that this was actually a race the whole time. I was chasing or being chased almost all of 2 hours. Awesome.

Jake - well done. It slipped my mind yesterday but I had my people make some calls and put in some bribes, and I have a SSaP water bottle and bumper sticker with your name on it. Send regards to that Brontosaurus eating drunk with the party shirt.

Jeremy - congrats, and welcome to the club! You, Ilya, and myself form the elite members of it. If it weren't for the DH insider we'd have kept the crown for the 3rd year. I rode with Aaron a few weeks ago and he's no slouch. Next year we'll take him out! :)

These recaps are fun, keep them going.
Well I was lucky not to fall, but I did bang my pinkie--ouch !! Getting stuck behind so many in the beginning section hurt too, but I felt very lucky that my bike was working so well for me. Never expected to get 3rd and it felt great. What a great day all around !! Someone owes Luke a t-shirt... i will try to steal one from Matt.;)

Good job yesterday Patty. You always say these races are too long for you. I'm thinking you're going to do well this year. As always, great job representing!
that's when the real pain kicked in. i think my battery was at like 45% and honestly i don't know how my iPhone made it. i mean, i had all these aps running in the background and forgot to turn off bluetooth so my battery was just goooooing. i mean, had i known they were there (totallly forgot my daughter took my phone and was playing all these games) i would have closed them. that would have really helped.

I almost believed you if it wasn't for the fact that the iPhone doesn't allow background apps :D
Off we go. Racing cat2 19-29 I have been accustomed to very hot starts. I’m not sure if this is typical across classes or we are young and dumb, but the first 15 minutes or so of most of my races are just stupid fast until people start just popping. This was a slow rollout. Everyone seemed content to cruise down the road at a less than blistering pace.

ha, funny to see the age group-cat side of this, because this may have been the fastest start i was part of... or maybe it felt fast because we were in a freaking peloton.
Jake - well done. It slipped my mind yesterday but I had my people make some calls and put in some bribes, and I have a SSaP water bottle and bumper sticker with your name on it. Send regards to that Brontosaurus eating drunk with the party shirt.

ahhh, that silly shirted drunk. he's a good man. thank you!
Great race. I enjoyed seeing a lot of familiar faces. The Terrapin beer hit the spot and the awards were top notch. Jeremy, I enjoyed our time together. I wish it could have lasted longer. When I observed you and Rob chatting and then he immediatly tried to draw me in, I figured either a. Rob actually wanted to install that sound system in my house or b. Jeremy was tired and needed a breather. I incorrectly choose "b". I opted to push the pace a little with the attempt of breaking him. Elevated heart rate, poor line choice, and a formidable opponent. Allowed Jeremy to pass and then open a gap over the next few miles. Eventually I lost sight of him. I then raced against the clock and with some of the Cat 1's the next hour. I didn't see Jeremy again until I crossed the line. He confirmed my suspicion, he got 1st, the "guy w/ the pack" got 2nd, and I got 3rd. Great to enjoy a day with other like minded folks. Until Wayway...
Keep the recaps coming!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words:


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