Hey you hydraulics geeks, probably the metal people too.

We need a separate Engineering thread for all of us Engineers on here! I have my PE but don't stamp anything. Really just nice to have on a business card, or, email tag so they don't think I'm a dumb contractor.

We also know @Patrick will get to this sometime in the 3rd quarter right before leaf cleanup, wavy lines and all.
We need a separate Engineering thread for all of us Engineers on here! I have my PE but don't stamp anything. Really just nice to have on a business card, or, email tag so they don't think I'm a dumb contractor.

We also know @Patrick will get to this sometime in the 3rd quarter right before leaf cleanup.

you forgot to specifcy the year, 3rd qtr 2025 is my guess
I may need to make a business card with BSc MBA DuMB after my name!
Go to remove the bolt, and I can't get a socket on it with the cage in the way - NBD.
go to remove the cage, can't get a socket on it, and don't have a large enough box wrench.
Might be able to get an adjustable on it - that should make it nice and round so the pipe wrench works,
or i'll just cut it off, cause f.me

meanwhile another set of wavey windrows.
Go to remove the bolt, and I can't get a socket on it with the cage in the way - NBD.
go to remove the cage, can't get a socket on it, and don't have a large enough box wrench.
Might be able to get an adjustable on it - that should make it nice and round so the pipe wrench works,
or i'll just cut it off, cause f.me

meanwhile another set of wavey windrows.
You had all winter to figure this out. Trying to figure this out at game time doesn't lead to success!

I have some large box wrenches if you need them.
Also as an engineer I agree. I spend lots of time fixing other engineers errors and oversights. Noone is perfect (and the ones who pretend to be are typically the least so) this includes thevguys who build the stuff
A young cocky guy at work had on a shirt that says "If machining were easy it would be called engineering " I laughed and told him I used to be just like you 😄
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