The first day I rode w/o training wheels was memorable.
Not because it was the first day w/o training wheels, but what came about.
Perhaps 6 or 7 years old, I seem to remember a red Schwinn from Denville Cycle(?). Mid-rise handle bars, standard saddle.
Happily and safely riding with the training wheels off the ground, but they were there JIC.
Of course one does not listen to their parents about removing them, but when a friend's dad says that you don't need them,
well, triple dog dare.....
He takes them off, and we are a pack of 5 kids on a dirt road behind Lymons on rt 46.
A couple times back and forth, and I've gone pro. We are riding in a pack! (I have no idea about bike racing, and we weren't that close to each other)
But hell, I want my $2.
Then the horror - my friend goes down in front of me. I could turn, brake, bunny hop (ok, maybe not then, maybe not now either) but I don't do any of that.
I run her over. Like over her arm and face, the dirt imprint of a tire across her cheek.
Can't recall going down, or using my mad skills to stay upright.
Not even sure there was comprehension of what happened in that split second.
Being kids we were right back at it the next day. Neighbor kids were a bit older and had some sweet jumps.
Certainly ate some dirt over the next 50 years......