Yoga anyone ?

Try any of the Gaiam DVDs with Rodney Yee. If you are new to Yoga, the beginner DVDs are easy to follow. The intermediate and advanced DVDs assume you have knowledge of the poses and sequences.

Do not get too caught up in the props, though. You do not need more to get you started with yoga than stretchy, comfy clothes and a good mat. The props are mostly there for people who cannot stretch all the way to their toes from a standing position, or hold their leg in the air while lying down. If you are not flexible enough for some of the poses, improvise your own props (use a towel to hold your leg, or a small stool to rest your hands on while in standing poses) until you can do the pose unassisted with bands or blocks. This will save you money.

I have also used Denise Austin's "yogilates" DVDs. My sister has a few and they are fun - Denise Austin is very upbeat. Be prepared for sore abs for a day or two after doing her workouts, though.

And don't forget to breathe correctly during the pose. during the pose, hold your breath for a few seconds and then exhale. One will definitely feel stress and muscle tension leave the body. I enjoy baron baptiste yoga bootcamp. Yoga for the cyclist is a simply one that you can get at Campmor too! Go to the book section in the back.
Breathing is very important in yoga. Make sure they are deep "belly breaths" that expand the diaphragm and rib cage to their fullest - imagine pushing your belly button outwards while you fill your lungs.

Many of us do not realize how shallowly we breathe everyday. Even outside of a yoga workout, you should take a few minutes every few hours to stand up or sit up straight and take a few deep belly breathes to just calm down and get back in touch with your body. If yoga did anything good for me, it taught me the value of slowing down and reclaiming my breath every day.
Breathing is very important in yoga. Make sure they are deep "belly breaths" that expand the diaphragm and rib cage to their fullest - imagine pushing your belly button outwards while you fill your lungs.

Many of us do not realize how shallowly we breathe everyday. Even outside of a yoga workout, you should take a few minutes every few hours to stand up or sit up straight and take a few deep belly breathes to just calm down and get back in touch with your body. If yoga did anything good for me, it taught me the value of slowing down and reclaiming my breath every day.
Right on.
Welcome to the site Jersey Girl. Always nice to have a few more girls on board.

Thanks for the info. I already checked out the Rodney Yee beginner abs and it is exactly what I am looking for. I do not have the breathing thing yet, but I will keep at it. I may need to stretch before, as I felt too tight when seated to relax and breath low.

Should come in handy now that winter is now coaxing us indoors.

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