to replace my son's 24". Looking to spend less than $1k. Anybody got one collecting dust somewhere?
Thanks, but looking for a 1x chainring with a bit more modern geo.
I have this. Minty condition. Not aluminum.
Year, model? I'm not sure on a 26", but I'll take a look.If you'd consider a full suspension I've been considering parting with my Knolly. I'd be within your price range, and even with 26" wheels it still rips. Has an angle headset that gives it modern geo. View attachment 244857
We'll see. It might be more occasional riding for him. His current bike is FS Ripcord, but he's only been on the trails once in the last year or so. He went out more when he was younger. I've got buddies that ride all the NNJ rocks and gnar on HT (some on SS too). My son can deal with a HT unless he gets more into it. 😁Someone was selling a Trek Marlin for 350, but thinking small. Does you son ride northern rocks with you? Maybe consider a FS instead of HT
Appreciate it, but he's gonna be growing into a medium. His genes might not cooperate with a large.Search my posts, I have a large Scott hardtail that I would let go for $1000. Ticks all your boxes (except size), but he could potentially grow into it. Once I wipe the dust off of it you would think it was new.