Wedged flat pedals.


Well-Known Member
Does something like this exist. I just thought instead of insoles or clips why not the pedal themselves, fatter on the inside.

Clips feel wierd on my fatbike flats seem to be working.

After some research i will try insoles
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I believe your looking for convex shaped pedals like canfield and one up aluminum. Never liked the feel of them I prefer flat to concave.
@Ironjunk - not sure what you man by wedged ?

I am a big fan of concave flat pedals. They have the best foot retention and I find them the most comfortable. I could ride them all day wearing just Vans. It's a loss for riders, but most manufacturers have ditched the concave design in favor of super thin pedals. I'll concede that thin has some value (mostly mental), but even that is lost when the center of the pedal is higher than the outer edges.

Wedged like fatter on the inside to fix pronation with a side effect of evening things out when swinging the bike standing.
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