Wacky Wednesday TM Deer Park


Chapter Lead: Deer Park
Team MTBNJ Halter's
Pulling interest in hitting sections of trails to knock back some growth. These will be either weekly, or every other week or once a month but mostly looking for people's interest in helping out. Will ride or walk in to hit the needs of face slappers, sappling encroachment and overgrowth on existing trails.i have the tools needed if you have the time. Post up if you want to help out on Wednesday evenings, much appreciated.

PS I do understand we only have a few weeks left before clocks change but going to carry this through to next season when DLS comes back.
I often thought this might be good option to get some more folks out helping to maintain the trails. I can’t do this Wednesday due to my Whacky schedule that includes some nights, but will keep an eye out for future dates.

I just put in 3hrs on school trail and barely made a dent. Id love to get 2 or 3 more peeps for tomorrow Wednesday 9/18 to finish it so I can move on to other sections.
5p at new lot. We will walk in.
I have 2 extra whackers with metal blades or if you like yours. Let me know if your available. Thanks...
I don’t think anyone wants to help you after you posted about wearing a bee suit. Lol
Yeah I got smart now I walk out ahead. Any ground nest has been found by bears so you look for fresh dug spots. Yes Jim trimming sucks balls. I could think of 500 things I'd rather be doing. The TM neglect the park has had makes for double the work to recover from encroachment.
Another 4hrs trying to get this school trail clean, I underestimated this trail. Only got one side of the red circle area above the trail before I ran out of fuel.View attachment 247832
Lat time I rode
Yeah, but somebody has to do it. Good on you for getting out there and getting it done 👍👍
this effort is legendary. There are many people who have never ridden DP who are about to ride it for the first time because of Matty’s efforts. Hopefully once people get back in there, they might be down to help upkeep it and improve it.
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