Visor screw/bolt


Well-Known Member
It would seem the screw to hubby's visor "vanished"...I reached out to Oakley for a replacement and no such thing/they don't have the part.


Anyone have to replace this? I did a search on Amazon quick and didn't really come up with anything.
If you have an ACE Hardware nearby by check there. They have a huge range (at least ours does) of nuts/bolts etc. and might get lucky.

damn those 3d printed nuts cost ~$1 to make (for all 4) what a ripoff @ $20

also petg is not a good material for uv exposure, not that most people will care

and it kind of looks like the seller did not design this either . . . .

if you want a couple and cant find anything else in a couple days LMK ill send you a couple for the cost of postage.
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