Try a different NJ trail


Well-Known Member
I'm planning to ride parks in NJ which I've never been during the month of August. My plans are to visit two up north, one in central and another in the south. Using the mtbnj directory, so if it doesn't meet your expectations of north/central/south, blame @Patrick.
My short list at the moment are Mahlon, Kittatinny, Perrineville, Mercer. If you check out a new to you park, post up here.
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I like this idea and should honestly do the same. Perrineville and Mercer are sort of the same area as far as I'm concerned. Also, if you've never ridden Clayton you could do Perrineville and Clayton in the same day since they're rather close to one another.
I like this idea and should honestly do the same. Perrineville and Mercer are sort of the same area as far as I'm concerned. Also, if you've never ridden Clayton you could do Perrineville and Clayton in the same day since they're rather close to one another.
Good, idea. I haven't been to Clayton in a while and hear a lot of good work has been done there also Perrineville doesn't yet have many miles of trails yet.
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