Taking a cue from the folks at, we've added a Trail Conditions status block which is now available on To see the status of the parks we're actively stewarding simply point ye browser here:
and note the top right "block" called Trail Conditions.
Our chapters will do out best to keep it up to date. Some chapters will indicate the report date so you can know when the last onsite report was done.
Just a general note on statuses. In general most of the year the conditions will be good. That means use common sense when riding and encountering muddy spots. Stellar will probably only occur once we hit dry spells and even the porrly draining parks are dry. Poor is typically monsoon season, or late winter early spring freeze thaw (that we're getting now). In the winter if the ground is frozen/dry you are good to go. When the snow is melting, please dust off the road bike. 🙂
I know, I know... I am preaching to the choir here 😀 , but it bears repeating. Cheers!
Taking a cue from the folks at, we've added a Trail Conditions status block which is now available on To see the status of the parks we're actively stewarding simply point ye browser here:
and note the top right "block" called Trail Conditions.
Our chapters will do out best to keep it up to date. Some chapters will indicate the report date so you can know when the last onsite report was done.
Just a general note on statuses. In general most of the year the conditions will be good. That means use common sense when riding and encountering muddy spots. Stellar will probably only occur once we hit dry spells and even the porrly draining parks are dry. Poor is typically monsoon season, or late winter early spring freeze thaw (that we're getting now). In the winter if the ground is frozen/dry you are good to go. When the snow is melting, please dust off the road bike. 🙂
I know, I know... I am preaching to the choir here 😀 , but it bears repeating. Cheers!