tomato season?

we are watering, watering, watering.

the larger tomatoes are producing less fruit, but still producing.
the little ones are coming on fast.
Waiting is usually the deal for us but we did purchase a more mature plant this spring and it has already produced 3 nice beefsteak tomatoes. The other plums that we had planted that are smaller have tons of tomatoes but we're just waiting for them...

Cucumbers have been going crazy. That is until the deer ate half the foliage...
Waiting is usually the deal for us but we did purchase a more mature plant this spring and it has already produced 3 nice beefsteak tomatoes. The other plums that we had planted that are smaller have tons of tomatoes but we're just waiting for them...

Cucumbers have been going crazy. That is until the deer ate half the foliage...
Don’t forget, plumb tomatoes are determinant, moaning they all ripen at the same time. I did not know this last year. I have been planting big boys and beef stake this year. If your leaf is yellowing, add more feed, the rain has been really acidic this year imo.
Just got my first one: Red ripe mato

and my second:
IMG_4049 2.jpg

A lot more getting close right now. I've been watering, watering, watering and feeding. Started by digging in some composted cow manure when transplanted.
My grandma in Arkansas called tomatoes love apples, her mother told her tomatoes were the original apple in the garden of Eden that Eve gave to Adam for the original sin. My grandfather used old tires to grow tomato’s. He would plop an old tire on the ground and fill it with growing dirt and plant the tomato plant inside. The tire had 2 uses. A wide tire made it hard for box turtles to knock down the plant and eat the tomatoes and water would settle into the inside of the tire and supply the plant water through out the day… now days I grow tomatoes on my deck, there are just to many critters that love tomatoes.
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