Tire Sealant Freezes


Well-Known Member
My garage is at 28 degrees this morning, just did a once over on the bikes and as expected the sealant is frozen. So do you all ride with frozen sealant or bring them in prior to riding in the frigid temps for a defrost cycle? And no I'm not heating my garage. What say you all????
@Matt_ I didn't mount this set of tires, LBS did back in October and I specifically asked them to use Stans, which they did, only it was the race sealant carp with the solids in it. The only reason I know that's frozen is when I spin the tire now, there is no sealant solids rolling around. I'm going to look up the spec's on that stuff...
If you really cared about your bike's well being, you would bring it in the house. Leaving it out in the cold is mechanical cruelty....
If your cold, their cold. Bring them inside.

@Matt_ I didn't mount this set of tires, LBS did back in October and I specifically asked them to use Stans, which they did, only it was the race sealant carp with the solids in it. The only reason I know that's frozen is when I spin the tire now, there is no sealant solids rolling around. I'm going to look up the spec's on that stuff...
Race Sealant version is only for race day. It will dry up in like 2 weeks. I doubt it's frozen, just gone. And it should not be injected through the valve.
More likely it's solidified - not exactly frozen, just too viscous to flow. Think like honey in a refrigerator. (No, I don't keep honey in my refrigerator, don't ask)

Or, as noted above, race sealant is dried out and shot but if it was recently fluid, I'd bet it's just very-highly-viscous right now from the low temp.

I support your indoor bike storage endeavors. If the family doesn't like it, send em my way. (I'll politely apologize and go back to minding my own business)
cold isnt going to hurt anything....... driving around with it on the back of your car in the snow/salted roads i would not recommend tho. Well unless you can wash and dry it afterwards.
Made the mistake of driving with the bike on the rack during last Thursday’s snow storm. Dummy.
Fortunately Friday was warm enough for an outdoor wash.
Silver lining: It needed it anyway.

But I’ll correct you on the cold:
Don’t ride carbon if it’s below freezing.
Numerous threads here on this.
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