This Saturday January 18: Perrineville/Clayton ride...


Active Member
To whomever wants to join: A 40 ish miler in the Perrineville/Assunpink/Clayton area. Details to be determined. Pace will be friendly but not slow (10mph,?). Maybe lunch after?
Just an FYI, about 80% of Clayton is going to be a slippery/slick mess this weekend. I was surprised how much of the trails still had a layer of snow/ice when I did a quick loop yesterday. Traction was challenging with temps in the 20s.... This weekend is not going to be pleasant when this thaws mid morning. Not telling you not to ride, just don't expect a good time 🤪

Earlier today it was pretty good when we hiked it for TM. Then I got out for a ride later in the afternoon, around 4'ish, and a lot of sections were getting really soft/sloppy. Id avoid Kurly and Toboggan tomorrow... I don't see them being fun in either direction until they freeze again. Glen Trail was in really good shape. Would shoot down Glen and take Bridges to Doctors and do some loops on the east side of the park.

Id join ya, but going to the Flyers/Devils game. Have fun!
Damm. I need alerts or something. Missed this. Hope you had a good ride Fedor
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