The Social Distancing in Isolation Contest & Never-ending Peter Pan Positivity Parlay


Another fine day for a bike ride after yesterday’s yuk. I could tell I needed a day off had some fatigue settling in so made sure I did nothing yesterday. Well except get lucky and snap a rainbow pic.

Got a late start but the legs felt snappy and did one of my usual 40 mile loops. Had one detour due to tree cutting couldn’t convince the nice police officer to let me pass but made sure I was not a jerk about it and thanked him for his service after he politely asked me to turn around and go back.

Good day sunshine !

Hey, that tractor that came back to life needed a belt. Tractor supply didn't answer the phone, so
imported from amazonia. Took a little to get it on there - lots of retainers to loosen, reattach.
given it broke because it jumped off the pulley, you'd thing they would do a better job.


They must have a great alg for picking the cover frame.....

Look kids- Parliment, Big Barn....
A couple of walks with the wonderpup, one with the Mrs.

Early am solitary walk. Loved it.
Great start to the day, didn’t want it to end.

Then this afternoon during Mrs’ break.


Beautiful day.
run debian/wsl on the windows box! it cracks me up to do this, but i do it. also have it on the chromebox, so that is fun.
and RDP for chrome, to get to windows...and a linux VM in there too.
been always too lazy for that unless I had to do it for work. feels easier and more satisfying to take an obsolete windows laptop and run the latest and greatest ubuntu on it.
been always too lazy for that unless I had to do it for work. feels easier and more satisfying to take an obsolete windows laptop and run the latest and greatest ubuntu on it.

Ubuntu? Ely? Why not arch?
So how is this for silver lining. Coronavirus saved me from some water damage.
When things started getting serious i went to get some supplies stored under my stairs where my well pressure tank is located. I found it sprung a leak that was tailing away from my water bug alarm and somewhat obscured by the crap my wife had in there. I would never have been in there looking at that spot otherwise.

All is well...pun intended.
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