Recovery is the new Black (The Sober Thread)

Johnny Utah

Well-Known Member
I had beers after I hit the twelve week mark and went on vacation to Moab. Since I got back I have had beers here and there but not has often as before. This was the second year I took three months off booze and do intend on doing so again next year starting 1/1/22, if not sooner.6969EB9F-944C-4349-AD69-7151F3890D86.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Five months today.

That was a pretty interesting experiment. I mostly learned that there was no appreciable loss of my ability to socialize and/or enjoy socializing without drinks. I also didn't compartmentalize parts of my days into non-drinking and drinking portions. I didn't experience better sleep or fitness or clarity of mind, but I did feel pretty good about myself for making solid decisions and sticking to them. I also had some good conversations with my boys about drinking, about moderating drinking, and not having the need to drink at all. I anticipate doing Dry January again next year and probably riding that through Lent in support of a couple of my friends.

The non-alcoholic beers were a godsend. Just because they paired so well with food or gave my brain a break without the side effects. They'll definitely stay in the rotation.

That being said, I'm looking forward to grabbing a six pack of Spaten for the fridge and having a bit of tequila this weekend. Just a bit. But not too much.

Thanks to all who were supportive and for all of the information. And best wishes for those who are continuing on their journey.
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the schwartz

Well-Known Member
FSM bless all of you. I hit three YEARS on May 7. I still can't comprehend it. And I still have a perverse plan lurking in the back of my mind involving a solitary cabin retreat and a case of Laphroaig. But I keep not drinking, and getting better at being ok with it and vocalizing it on social situations. If you couldn't tell from my fantasy, I was never much of a social drinker anyway; drinking was serious business best undertaken alone, or at least with other experienced drinkers of similar constitutions.

Could add more but I'm just on the phone so will end with my pride and gratitude that I'm (more?) present with, and for, my family.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually shocked this still happens in this day & age.

I have a very limited perspective but I'm guessing the idea is it's a controlled-ish environment for them? They're going to drink either way so may as well let it happen in a somewhat responsible manner.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the theory of it, but the parents of these gatherings literally expose themselves to jail time by doing this stuff.

Yeah, I absolutely would not do it if I had kids...not in any big party scenario at least. There's some argument to your child learning to drink that can probably be helpful. Going straight into dangerous binge habits in college is a pretty scary thought I'd imagine.
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