The Hidden Life of Trees


Active Member
That is the title of a book by Peter Wohlleben, a forester in Germany. If you like being in the woods you will love this book. For instance did you know trees are interconnected underground through their roots, even different species? Fungus living in the duff makes the connection between trees and one tree can feed another making for a healthy forest. Could this explain why trees always seem to fall across the trail, because the connection is lost when the trail is cut? In deep forest, a small 2 inch sapling can be 20 or 30 years old. It gets little sunlight so it does not grow fast but is nourished from underground by the mother tree. Could this be why they are so darned hard to pull out when building trail? I will never see a tree the same again after reading this book.


Active Member
Loved this book Zip! I definitely second this recommendation, might be a time for a reread. I read it a few years ago and it also changed the way I look at the forest.
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