The day has come...



Give me a break....
If you guys think that getting married means ridding yourself of your bike or that your life comes to a screetching hault..two things come to mind:
1. you are a *****.
2. you married the wrong person.

Enjoy Jay & Evon.

Best Quote Ever.


Unapologetic Lifer for Rock and Roll
So, I got married in September 1992. A few months before the wedding, a couple of my buddies got into mtbing and took me out on a borrowed clunker. I loved it. I had some cash stuffed in a drawer, Christmas gifts and whatnot, and decided to buy a Trek 7000, thinking that I might not have cash for "toys" once I was married and looking to buy a house, get established in life, etc.

Nearly fifteen years later, the basement is full of bikes and bike-related stuff, and my wife and I are happier together than ever. Like Jdog, I'm a big fan of marriage.:D


Active Member
Marriage is not the life-style-cramping, money-draining sentence that some people seem to think that it is. Kids on the other hand...

Thirteen years married with three healthy kids and I can't complain. The main thing that works for me and my wife is frequent free time away from the house and kids. For me it's biking, for her it's going out with her friends. We have a fairly structured schedule with these types of things, so it works out pretty well.

I guess one downside of our little structure is that life is devoid of spontaneity, but then again, we also own a minivan.

Congratulations and good luck.


A strong 7
Marriage is not the life-style-cramping, money-draining sentence that some people seem to think that it is. Kids on the other hand...
...I guess one downside of our little structure is that life is devoid of spontaneity, *but then again, we also own a minivan*.

Well said, Mike.

Respect the Van!


Spokompton's Finest
...and I am now engaged!

LOL, now I have that stupid jingle in my mind !!!

"Every kiss begins with Kay...."

I'm on year 2 now, and although marriage is work at times, if done right, you'll be happy.

Good luck and Congrats, J!
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Shop: Halter's Cycles
Shop Keep
So, I got married in September 1992. A few months before the wedding, a couple of my buddies got into mtbing and took me out on a borrowed clunker. I loved it. I had some cash stuffed in a drawer, Christmas gifts and whatnot, and decided to buy a Trek 7000, thinking that I might not have cash for "toys" once I was married and looking to buy a house, get established in life, etc.

Nearly fifteen years later, the basement is full of bikes and bike-related stuff, and my wife and I are happier together than ever. Like Jdog, I'm a big fan of marriage.:D

Not to mention that your wife has the best taste in music of anyone I know.

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