Got the opportunity to have a day to myself and go for a nice long ride, unfortunately woke up with a migraine and serious backache. Nursing an espresso filled coffee mug and trying to sneak out soon.
I am now on my way to my favorite place in the world, Statan Island. My entire extended family lives in this forsaken place. I'll think it's safe to assume that all 200 of them (I have a huge family) will be highly intoxicated by the time I get there.
A lump of coal... and an early present... a bouncing baby boy.😀. Oh, and some meaningless material things that will probably end up in an ever growing pile in the garage.
Pack of socks, shirt, Jose Tejas coupons, coat hanger.
I got my parents a 32" tv, they had just an old 19"
Got my parents in law a 37" tv.
Got my sister a fancy pants network printer for her and her daughter.