normZurawski said:Maybe the FS guy just sucks with twisty stuff. I had no problem 'keeping up' with both the FS and SS guys today regardless of terrain.
anrothar said:i'm from the mahlon/allamucky area. all we have are piles of rocks interrupted by occasional mud bogs.
hardtale70 said:I think i can make it. Which loc. do i mapquest? Or poss carpool and sourlands after??
anrothar said:i could drive brett. and i would definitely be up for sourlands after. we'll swing by norms house and kidnap him for it, Old School style.
anrothar said:we might have to render you unconscious at first. just a fair warning.
pacewise, i tend to moto, but don't mind stopping on group rides. from what i gather, chris is quite the speedy little devil, brett likes to go "braaaap braaaaaap" while hes moving along, and uh, norm are you coming to 6 mile? norm keeps a decent pace.
i really don't know these trails, but i would say anyone who can keep a riding pace of anywhere from 8-12 mph would not be too far off the back or front of the group.
anrothar said:brett likes to go "braaaap braaaaaap" while hes moving along,