Strava question


Well-Known Member
A few weeks ago I upgraded to premium member. Now the question: I was riding Wawayanda and met a few riders. Went home and checked Strava and my "flybys" to see who they might have been. Nothing came up in my "flybys" so I figured they didn't Strava. Later in the day I checked out @jimf on Strava and there I was in his "flyby". Weird! I went back to my Strava "flyby" and Jim still isn't in mine, but I'm still in his. Wassup? Any ideas if I have to change any settings?
There seems to be sync issues with flyby as well. For example, when I ride with @clarkenstein, I use a garmin and he uses his phone. Even tho we stay together, flyby shows me blowing him away. Or maybe that's the reality? :shrug:

i notice this too and i have a theory. i have a time issue with my iSuck, i mean iPhone. believe it or not, my clock is slow. i can synchronize, and it doesn't matter, it eventually falls off the time because it runs slow. i notice i am always behind everyone in flyby, by a large margin.

i'm sure the app picks up time as a data point, so if my clock is off, i won't be near you. so if your clock says its 11:04 when you ride by an intersection, and my clock says its 11:05, i'll be behind even if we are side by side.

that's my theory at least.

i'm always way behind in flyby even when i know i was leading a part of a ride with peeps. i'm curious what happens when my contract is up and i can drop the apple and pick up something different.
i notice this too and i have a theory. i have a time issue with my iSuck, i mean iPhone. believe it or not, my clock is slow. i can synchronize, and it doesn't matter, it eventually falls off the time because it runs slow. i notice i am always behind everyone in flyby, by a large margin.

i'm sure the app picks up time as a data point, so if my clock is off, i won't be near you. so if your clock says its 11:04 when you ride by an intersection, and my clock says its 11:05, i'll be behind even if we are side by side.

that's my theory at least.

i'm always way behind in flyby even when i know i was leading a part of a ride with peeps. i'm curious what happens when my contract is up and i can drop the apple and pick up something different.
I thought you quit strava?
it is them, not you 😉
look under Settings/Privacy. I am guessing you have "Who can see your activity on Strava Labs Flyby?" to "Everyone" and they have it set to "Nobody". SO you can;t see them unless they change their settings
Thanks, I'm sure that's the answer I hadn't thought of.
You got this set?
Dave let his daughter play with the phone around christmas time. She likes to listen
to the holiday play list, and is just learning the symbols/gestures to control it. She is also
learning to read - and the words date/time are ones she knows. There you have it.
just a kid being cute.
Dave let his daughter play with the phone around christmas time. She likes to listen
to the holiday play list, and is just learning the symbols/gestures to control it. She is also
learning to read - and the words date/time are ones she knows. There you have it.
just a kid being cute.

i also find 800 selfies, random videos of myself being filmed when i didn't know it, and texts sent to my wife that are all emojis. my 5 year old can use storage and data like its her job.

my son has figured out website addresses... that scares me.
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