Sram gx transmission video


Well-Known Member
I ran into a guy walking out of the woods today and I asked if he needed anything. He said he was having battery issues with his gx transmission and asked if I had an extra battery. I told him I was a cable guy and suggested a couple shops that might be able to help. When I got home I decided to do a little research and I stumbled across this video….. any thoughts from the battery shifting people?

I haven’t had any issues with my Transmission. Had it almost a year.

However i do know two people experiencing this issue…
Aware of this issue, I simply keep that area protected when washing and also a little WD-40 on the pins will hopefully keep them in good shape. It's a descent setup, but honestly if I had the choice I'd be using analog X01 on everything, that drivetrain is bomb proof !!!
Kid gambled on a secondhand setup and lost. Hard to be mad at Sram about the way they handled it. Also hard to expect Sram to re-develop a (relatively) entry-level derailleur because him and his buddy had a bad time.

Of course it's intimidating to take apart an electronic derailleur. It's not designed for the end user to do that (another bad gamble but honestly, probably one I would also take if I were him).
any thoughts from the battery shifting people?
I have two AXS derailleurs

The first one I bought in May of 2019, so its over 5 years old now, many thousands of miles on it, still works perfectly including the original battery....only thing I have replaced is the jockey wheels

The second I bought in 2022 for my enduro bike and after almost 3 full seasons of smashing it thru north jersey rocks, (including over 50 days at creek) I finally did this to it...

So I sent it out to Madrone and Aaron replaced the parallelograms with cnc machined versions, put a new cage on it, shimmed the mounting bolt....seems better than ever now.

My personal anecdotal experience is that they are more reliable than any cable derailleur..(I have only used sram/shimano havent tried TRP stuff yet) ..especially if you are riding rocky technical terrain where they might get smacked on something. The fact that they will release upon impact has saved me numerous times now.
So I sent it out to Madrone and Aaron replaced the parallelograms with cnc machined versions, put a new cage on it, shimmed the mounting bolt..
i saw them advertised on pinkbike. Good know there is an option for when I break my AXS rear derailleur. Mine has also been great and I have no desire to “upgrade” to Transmission
Cheap aftermarket batteries that don't have the smooth bottom (all of them) cause this on all AXS derailleurs. There is a seal there, but it doesn't work with the cheap batteries. This will also happen if you dont install the red battery blank to keep dirt/moisture out.

Id never buy a second hand AXS derailleur unless I was really confident in the source.
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