Sourlands VTM Sat 10/19/24 @ 9am


JORBA: Sourlands
Hi All. The 3rd VTM of the season is Saturday 10/19. We'll be working from 9am-noonish, but feel free to leave whenever you want. Work plan still TBD (open to suggestions). Meet at the main Sourlands parking lot and look for the Park Ranger truck. Tools and instruction will be provided, but please bring your own work gloves, sturdy shoes, bug spray and water.

Saturday 10/19/24 9am
421 E Mountain Rd
Hillsborough Township, NJ 08844
Agnes is our Ranger for Saturday and she called me from Sourlands today. We're both still scratching heads on the work plan but she's hiking around today to assess. If anyone wants to bring battery hedge trimmers, that may be helpful.
Hi All. The 3rd VTM of the season is Saturday 10/19. We'll be working from 9am-noonish, but feel free to leave whenever you want. Work plan still TBD (open to suggestions). Meet at the main Sourlands parking lot and look for the Park Ranger truck. Tools and instruction will be provided, but please bring your own work gloves, sturdy shoes, bug spray and water.

Saturday 10/19/24 9am
421 E Mountain Rd
Hillsborough Township, NJ 08844
What does the 'V' in VTM stand for ?
Agnes is our Ranger for Saturday and she called me from Sourlands today. We're both still scratching heads on the work plan but she's hiking around today to assess. If anyone wants to bring battery hedge trimmers, that may be helpful.
It's been so dry lately we don't have any obvious wet spots to be worked on.
Could we work on any alt-lines people have been thinking of?
Chainsaw needed? Mike also sent me a couple small ones we may tackle today with silkys
The one on Monty needs a chainsaw
Thanks to @snashters and @JPark for a long day. We broke off from the main ranger volunteer group to cover more ground. Did a lot of hedge trimming, cleared 2 trees, and moved some rocks to make it a proper Sourlands tm day. Will post photos later.
Silky sawed this little guy on lower trail and left it for the kids to move

Got this one that was blocking the log bridge line on Roaring Rocks and then replaced sketchy ramp logs with rock.

Then up on 3 Amigos we added some rocks to the right here to make that big boulder a roller.

We also had dueling hedge trimmers so did some major work with those on every trail we hiked. Die prickers, die!

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